What Does Diabetic Nerve Pain in Foot Feel Like?

When dealing with diabetic foot pain caused by neuropathy, it can show itself in many different ways. One of the common symptoms is a burning or consistent sensation of heat in your feet.

Tingling and Numbness are also a common feeling, and you may get the sensation that your feet are completely covered (as if you were wearing socks) when barefoot.

You may experience issues in different parts of the feet, maybe the toes down to the sole, or the entire foot may be subject to nerve damage.

Please be cautious and check your feet for any kind of calluses or blistering and anything that is abnormal if you are experiencing any kind of numbness as your main symptom, so you can avoid developing infections.

Another symptom is a weakness; some people experience this when dealing with the pain of neuropathy.

Other symptoms include:

  • Impaired Circulation.
  • Dry, Cracking Skin.
  • Diabetic Ulcers

If you are experiencing these symptoms, please contact your physician for immediate medical attention. The sooner you’re diagnosed with these problems, the better.

Diabetic Foot Pain Symptoms You Should Know

Diabetic Foot Pain Symptoms can show up in many different ways. These include:

– A burning in the feet. Stabbing, burning pain, or tingling in the feet.

– Swelling and redness of the feet due to infection.

– Achy muscles in the feet, thighs or chin.

– Triggered by walking imbalances or limbs, motor neuropathy can cause feet to rub against the inside of a show, which results in calluses, diabetic foot ulcers and inflamed skin.

– Fungal and bacterial infection causing fever and chills.

– Numbness in the feet can be a sign of nerve damage from diabetes.

Diabetes Pain in Feet Prevention

One of the complications of diabetes which can be rather uncomfortable and even keep you awake at night is the diabetes pain in feet is experienced as a result of diabetic neuropathy or nerve pain. However, there may be some things you can do to help manage or alleviate the discomfort and let things be a little more comfortable for yourself.

Learn to inspect your feet once or twice daily for any signs of injury or infection.  The reason for this is that sometimes the feet can feel numb and so any knocks that the feet may take in your daily walkabouts may not be immediately noticed.

Good foot care is essential for anyone with this condition. It is advised for diabetics to wash their feet every day in warm water with mild soap, dry thoroughly, and moisturize the feet with an approved moisturizer, preferably with an antifungal ingredient in it.

Diabetes has many complications associated with it, the most common being diabetic peripheral neuropathy which is the main cause of diabetes foot pain. Over time, high blood sugars can harm nerves throughout the body, and this process most often starts in the feet.

Wounds which do not heal on a diabetic foot are considered to be very significant complications of diabetes. Although diabetes can harm the body in many ways, ulcers that do not heal on the feet and lower legs are very common outward symptoms of the disease. Also, the nerve damage in the feet and legs opens the potential for small wounds and lacerations to develop without there being any immediate awareness of it, at least initially.

Tips To Avoid Diabetic Foot Pain

To avoid foot problems which can result in losing a foot, leg, or toe follow these tips:

  • Daily foot inspection.  Look for small cuts, blisters, swelling, or nail infections.  Call your doctor if you notice anything.
  • Wash your feet in warm water. Keep your feet clean. Use only warm water.
  • Moisturize your feet – not between your toes.  Moisturize daily to keep dry skin from cracking. But DON’T moisturizes between the toes as it could cause a fungal infection.
  • Cut nails carefully. Cut them straight across and file the edges. Don’t cut nails too short, as this could lead to ingrown toenails.
  • Avoid the wrong type of socks. Avoid tight elastic bands which could potentially reduce circulation. Don’t wear thick or bulky socks which can fit poorly and irritate the skin.
  • Never walk barefoot. Not even when you are at home! Always wear shoes or slippers.

Take care of your diabetes and help yourself to avoid any possible feet problems. Keep your blood sugar levels controlled. There are plenty of good diet suggestions on the internet these days to support you in your regular regime. Some even purport to be able to cure diabetes, so don’t let yourself think that once diagnosed you are doomed forever. There are treatments available that can help.

What Does Diabetic Nerve Pain in Foot Feel Like? Last Update: 1/6/2017

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