Heating Pad for Sprained Ankle – 5 Precautions Should Be Taken

How to do Ankle sprain treatment

An ankle sprain is an injury where your foot rolls inside on it and the ligaments which hold an ankle with the foot bones together in place, are stretched and also weakened. Due to this, there are some instructs set in place to fasten and ensure that healing is effective. The following are ways in which you can make sure this process does not miss a single step and the sprain receives proper recovery

Firstly, protection is very necessary and this may become effective by the protective brace with an air cushion built-in or any other form of an ankle support. An elastic bandage of ACE is a good example and you may tend to use this for 3 days after the injury.

Secondly, one is required to rest. This means that the injured ankle should be kept off the ground totally to avoid further injury and this also assists in its healing. The use of crutches is recommended by doctors if walking becomes too painful.

Thirdly, the use of ice is important ankle sprain treatment because it assists in ensuring the swelling is down, in reducing pain and it also stops bleeding of any torn ligament. Place a pack of ice on the injured ankle for at least 15 minutes, take it off for another 10 minutes, put the ice back for 10 minutes and finally place the ice on the ankle for 15 minutes, do this 3 to 5 times a day for the next two days. Alternatively, one may put and fill a bucket with ice then dip the injured foot and ankle in. To avoid developing cold injuries, remove the ice as fast as possible if you notice your foot looks white. For cases where one has diabetes or the circulation is inhibited, consult your doctor before taking this step of ice.

Fourthly, an elastic wrap for compressing will assist in decreasing swelling. It should be worn for 3 days after the ankle sprain. The protective brace should also be worn when one tries to exert weight on the injured foot. The wrap should not be applied too tightly, loosen if it is tight. Signs that it’s too tight are coolness, tingling, swelling slightly below bandage, increased pain and numbness. Compression wraps are not on your ankle to offer protection but rather to give you caution on how you should handle your ankle.

The fifth step ankle sprain treatment is called elevation. The elevation is the raising of your ankle above the normal level of your heart when lying down on the floor with your back. Do this for 3 hours a day to reduce the swelling together with bruising.

There are some exercises one may do to prevent the other parts of the leg from functioning inappropriately. Walking with no pressure whatsoever will help in strengthening the leg and ensuring circulation is going on with no distractions. Trying to get balance is very important; you may do this by using the injured leg to support your whole body while the uninjured leg is up and your hands are apart, basically you are looking for balance with the injured leg.

See: How To Tell if The Ankle is Broken or Sprained?

 Ankle Pain Treatment at Home


Heating pad for sprained ankle

Ankle sprains are the commonest injuries in sports. People who engage themselves in sports are the ones likely to get ankle injuries than others. Millions of people who visit the hospitals with injuries mostly have ankle injuries. Some of them even grow to become persistent problems. Ankle sprain treatment heat allows the circulation of blood and may appear to be the best natural way for healing ankle sprains. The strains not only occur from sports but also injuries from falling and twisting amongst others.

Although the best method of treatment has been using ice, heat method helps to relieve pain. There is also another method that includes resting, compression and elevation.

ankle elevation

Image Source: natural-homeremedies

With ankle injuries, people should take great caution to make sure that the situation does not develop to be chronic.

When using the ankle sprain treatment heat, various precautions should be taken. They are:

  • The patient should avoid wrapping the joint. This causes the compression of the joint which may prolong the injury. Wrapping can also prevent blood and other fluids from having the appropriate circulation thus causing more inflammation. Patients should keep the ankle joints free from wrapping if they want to heal faster.
  • After performing the heat treatment, it is advisable for the patient to lift up the leg using a medium of support most probably a pillow. This helps to allow the ankle have a comfortable rest and also promotion of blood and fluid circulation. Moving the ankle side to side is also advisable to make it active. This may not be possible to people who have severe injuries because it can be really painful. The patient should, therefore, do it as soon as they are able to because it contributes a big deal to the healing.
  • An injured ankle may not be in a position to support the leg. It may, therefore, be difficult to make motions or walk from one place to the other. Another good method of relieving the pain is putting the leg in hot water for some few minutes. This causes the expansion of the blood veins. The patient should, therefore, put the leg in cold water in order to compressor narrow the veins. When the leg is immersed in water the patient should move the ankle joint in cycles in order to relieve the muscles and the pain.
  • When the pain reduces, the patient can opt to put mass on the injured leg most probably when sitting down. The patient should also advance to putting the weight on the leg when standing or walking. Heavyweight should not be used because it may cause injuries to other portions of your leg. You may keep on adding more wait until the ankle is healed completely.
  • Walking with the leg as soon as possible can help balance the leg and also put in place the joint position. Repetition of the same action greatly helps to strengthen the muscle and also help the nerves to function normally. It also enhances better blood circulation in the injured area and also the entire leg.

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