Unfamiliar Causes of A headache in Back of Head

Today, I am going to write an article about headache in back of head causes. Ask anyone when was the last time they got a headache, and chances are good that they will tell you it was fairly recent. Headaches are just one of those things that nearly everyone experiences. For some, it may be a chronic problem. There are tons of things that go on in our daily lives that can cause headaches. Things like stress, dehydration or just getting a cold. There are different types of headaches that people suffer from. Here is just an overview of headaches in the back of a head.


A headache in the back of the head

Headaches in the back of the head are sometimes known as tension headaches. The tension starts in the muscles around the neck and head, which in turn produces the pain in the back of the head. Many times the pain moves forward and around the head, causing pain throughout the entire head area. This causes many to feel as if their head is being squeezed.

The pain felt from a headache of this nature is typically not enough to stop someone from completing their daily activities. While it may be painful to suffer from a tension headache, this type will still allow you to move forward with your daily routine. However, it may or will most likely be painful to do so. Headaches in the back of the head are painful, but luckily they are not as debilitating as a migraine or cluster headaches.

Headaches in the back of the head can usually be attributed to some form of a trigger; however, triggers may vary from person to person. What may trigger a headache episode for you may not be the same as someone else? If you are finding that you are suffering constantly from headaches in the back of the head, then it is important for you to keep a log of events that occur right before you suffer from one. Keeping track of these events will help you to avoid any undue pain in the future.

Headaches in the back of the head can be a painful experience, but finding out what is causing your headache pain will help you to avoid them in the long run. Carrying over the counter medication with you as a precaution will help you to deal with them effectively should the need arise while you are going about your daily activities.

It is agreed that headaches in the back of the head are really irritating. So what causes headaches in the back of your head? Well, there are actually a number of things that can cause headaches in the back of your head. The point is that it is really important for you to visit your doctor to get the proper treatment. In addition. don’t ever try to ignore the headaches. even the mild ones. This means that before things go under control. it is better for you to treat the condition properly.

The Most Common Causes

Have you ever gotten that all too familiar feeling? You know the one I am talking about – that feeling that starts off like a stiff neck and then turns into a pain in the back of your head. Eventually, the pain turns into a full-blown headache. Well, you are not alone and finding out what the causes of headaches in the back of the head are, will help you to steer clear of them in the future.


Stress has been found to be one of the causes of headaches in the back of the head. Many people carry tension and stress in their shoulders and neck area. This tension from all of the stress eventually builds up and the muscles in the head and neck suffer as a result. The tension moves to the back of the head causing pain. In time the pain and tension turn into a headache.

Bad posture or prolonged head positioning

Sitting or sleeping with your head in a fixed and awkward position for an extended period of time is one of the causes of headaches in the back of the head. The strain caused by sleeping in a weird position or sitting in a fixed position at your desk for several hours can bring about tension and a resulting headache.


If you cannot pinpoint any other areas in your life as one of the causes of headaches in the back of the head, then you may want to look at your diet. Certain foods or drinks may be triggering your headache pain. Making changes in your diet could prove to be the difference.

While triggers may vary as causes of headaches in the back of the head, you can do your own homework to find out what is causing yours. Be proactive in your approach and reduce the number of headaches you experience.

Other Causes of Headaches in the Back of Your Head

There are many other things that can cause headaches in the back of your head. One of them is an arthritis headache. You may experience headaches in the back of your head if you have arthritis in your neck. As your arthritis progresses, it can cause inflammation of blood vessels in the back of your head. This means that the pain and pressure caused by the inflammation can lead to headaches in the back of your head. The bottom line is that an arthritis headache is caused headaches in the back of your head.

Although rare, a brain tumor may cause headaches in the back of your head. There are also other symptoms accompanying the pain and pressure in the back of your head due to a brain tumor. They include visual disorder, speech changes, vomiting, seizures, and more. It is better for you to take care of this condition seriously. After knowing the causes headaches in the back of your head, it is better for you to never ignore headaches.

There are a number of common things that contribute to headaches in the back of your head. TMJ Headache is one of the most common causes of headaches in the back of your head. This kind of condition is typically caused by pain in the temporomandibular joint or also known as jaw point. Along with tension in the jaw and back of the neck. TMJ a headache usually occurs in the back of your head. TMJ Headache is causes headaches in the back of your head. and is usually accompanied by other conditions such as a clicking sound. Intense pain in the jaw. and bruxism.

A tension headache is also the causes headaches in the back of your head. The muscles begin to shrink and pull on the muscles. Which are in the neck and head when the muscles in your back and shoulder contract because of stress and tension. This means that these conditions may lead to headaches in the back of your head. To prevent this condition from occurring. It is better for you to try activities that can help reduce stress such as massages. Relaxation exercises. Yoga. Taking hot baths. And many more. It is because a tension headache is cause headaches in the back of your head which are painful and irritating.

Unfamiliar Causes of A headache in Back of Head, Last Update: 16/5/2017

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