Comments for Body Pain Tips Body Pain Tips - Human Body Parts Pain Wed, 24 May 2023 02:19:11 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Left Flank Pain That Comes and Goes: Why and How by Dee Ann Weiss Wed, 24 May 2023 02:19:11 +0000 In reply to Jon Anderson, MD.

Dear Dr. Anderson,
My 49 year old son has been experiencing intense left flank pain for the past 5 months. The pain hits him suddenly and is so intense he can not move nor speak. He turns very pale, covered with sweat, heart racing and literally frozen. He feels like he is dying. After 10 minutes, the pain starts to disappear slowly and he can finally catch his breath again. CT scan showed inflammation of colon lining and a mass on his spleen. Colonoscopy found one medium sized polyp and a lot of inflammation in Sigmoid. Onogologist cannot figure out mass. Biopsies normal and so are lab tests. Could this be an aneurysm ??

Comment on Armpit Pain That Comes And Goes – The Causes by Kristi Shemwell Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:21:29 +0000 I experienced pain in my left armpit suddenly one day I was really sick the day before literally felt like someone hit me with a Mack truck sore throat and all went on about my day the next day and just out of no where I went to take a hot bath and it felt like I couldn’t put my left arm all the way down. I didn’t feel a lump but I also wasn’t trying my hardest to feel one. I have HORRIBLE anxiety and panic attacks and I knew if I felt something I would freak out more. I put a heating pad on it and after 2 days it went away. Google tells you the worst I think about my armpit daily even had blood work done today over it when I’m not thinking of it doesn’t hurt when I start to realize I didn’t hurt any then I’ll feel pain/burning under my arm over to my breast down my ribs and kinda in my shoulder blade area. This has been off and on for 2 weeks should I get a ultrasound of my armpit or mammogram?

Comment on 11 Reasons Why Is My Right Hand Tingling by Diane Albanesius Sat, 11 Feb 2023 16:46:58 +0000 Thankyou for the information, I believe it helps.

Comment on Bruised Tailbone vs Broken Tailbone – What The Difference by Will Fri, 09 Dec 2022 13:58:29 +0000 In reply to wayne.

This is a broken tailbone page. Get off your soapbox

Comment on How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear? by Michelle Sun, 09 Oct 2022 16:25:19 +0000 I have swimmer’s ear, a condition where my ear canal has a slight dip & it holds water. Repeated ear infections were my chilhood until I learned these methods. I have been told by my doctor these two methods:
1. In a bath or shower, use a soapy washcloth or your hand, but get that soap up in your ear. Then rinse the heck out of it. The shower works best, but you can also use a cup to pour warm, clean water into your ear to rinse. Use tap water, not tub water, please.
2. Using a q-tip, carefully insert about 1/2 inch and press down towards your feet. Lean over a bit so gravity helps. This should help relax to muscles and let the water flow out. Sometimes I tug on my earlobe softly and give it a gentle shake to assist. You may repeat until the ear no longer feels full. This works well for those of us over 10 who can’t jump up and down to get the water out.

PLEASE DO NOT POKE A Q-TIP OR ANY OTHER OBJECT DEEP INTO YOUR EAR! It isn’t necessary, and it can be very harmful. Soap, water, dry towels, warm air (blow dryer), and 1 drop of rubbling alcohol if needed are the best and natural remedies. Treat your ears like the rest of your body: keep it clean & dry, keep out foriegn objects, treat any sign of infection promptly.
If all this fails, and you get an infection, see a doc! Permanent hearing loss is only one of the horrible effects you could experience.

Comment on 4 Exercises to Reduce Arthritis Hip Pain by Stevie Sun, 04 Sep 2022 22:24:26 +0000 In reply to barbara richards.

Look for essential oils to help relieve some of the pain. Talk to your physician before using anything at all, but I’ve had some luck with a couple of drops of Frankincense oil in a Tablespoon of jojoba oil. Mix well & use a few drops on the area & massage it into your skin.

Comment on Can Too Much Magnesium Cause Headaches? by Alan Mon, 13 Jun 2022 15:59:09 +0000 I have found certain magnesium supplements consistently give me a headache after taking them. Headache goes away 1 to 2 days after stopping the suppliment. Intensity of headache is consistent with dosage and all at or below 100% rda

Comment on Dull Ache in Left Arm Between Shoulder and Elbow: 9 Possible Causes by Ola Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:16:55 +0000 Having left arm pain something I will come to right arm but most expecially left arm

Comment on The Relation Between Back Pain Heart Attack In Female by Polly Mon, 28 Mar 2022 23:54:06 +0000 If you are experiencing 2 of the symptoms, what should you do?
Thank you

Comment on Left Flank Pain That Comes and Goes: Why and How by Jon Anderson, MD Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:26:01 +0000 It is remarkable that ‘Aortic Aneurysm’ is not included here … it being one of the most dangerous conditions any person might experience.
