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The color of our skin, whether it is dark or light, is a result of the amount of the pigment called melanin that we have in our skin cells. When pigment cells are destroyed, the skin ends up developing white spots on the skin. This condition is known as vitiligo and affects many people across the globe. This condition can happen to anyone but is more common and visible in people with darker skin shades.

For those with dark skin that have vitiligo, you know how upsetting this condition can be. The skin on the face, neck, and other parts of the body becomes discolored and looks almost diseased. It causes a huge decrease in self-confidence and can make people feel extremely timid to go out in public.

Vitiligo doesn’t have to be so serious and can be easily treated with some natural home remedies. Knowing the different symptoms and causes of vitiligo will help you determine your case and know exactly what method will work the best for you to get rid of vitiligo and give you back the self-confidence you deserve.

Symptoms of Vitiligo

  • Patches of De-Pigmentation on the Skin
  • Changes of Color in the Retina
  • Premature Grey Hair
  • Loss of Color Inside the Mouth

Causes of Vitiligo

  • Vitiligo is not really caused by anything. It is actually an auto-immune problem that works by attacking the pigment of the skin.
  • Heredity may play a huge factor in developing this condition, and people with a history of connective tissue or endocrine diseases will often see this condition rear its ugly head.
  • In some cases, severe cases of stress will bring on vitiligo. Those that have thyroid issues may also be more prone to developing vitiligo in their lifetime.

Best Home Remedies for Vitiligo

While this condition may look like it would be difficult to treat, it is actually quite easy to get rid of with some easy home remedies. Getting rid of vitiligo when it is first noticed is highly recommended as this condition can easily spread to other parts of the body. If you’ve got a case of vitiligo, trying some of the following home remedies can be tried to get rid of your condition and keep it from affecting other parts of the skin.

Proper Diet

We truly are what we eat, and introducing the right kinds of foods into your diet will help considerably when you are dealing with de-pigmentation of the skin. Vitiligo can be caused by a poor diet and by taking the proper measures and introducing the right foods to your system; you can greatly reduce your condition. Some foods to add to your diet immediately include ginger, garlic, green tea, black pepper, and olive oil. Figuring out ways to incorporate these foods into part of your everyday food intake will help considerably with your symptoms.

Ginkgo Biloba Paste

This ancient Chinese herb has been used for centuries to help with a variety of different health issues. Most commonly known for its stimulating effects on the mind, ginkgo biloba helps to slow down the progression of pigment loss in the skin. When you make a paste from ginkgo biloba powder and water, you will notice the white patches on your skin begin to fade considerably. To use this remedy, make a paste from the powder and water and apply it to the affected areas. Leave this on for at least thirty minutes and then rinse with warm water. Using this method a few times a week will help to re-pigment white patches and give you skin back its natural color.

Turmeric and Mustard Oil

This method will help you see results in as little as two weeks’ time! All that is needed is two tablespoons of turmeric powder mixed with enough mustard oil to make a fine paste. This paste should be applied to the areas you wish to treat and left on for at least twenty minutes. It can then be rinsed off with warm water. If you do this two times each day you will see a noticeable difference in the pigment of your skin in fifteen to twenty days.

Ayurveda Recipe

Ayurveda medicine has been practiced in India for thousands of years and is known to be one of the most beneficial ways to take care of the body. Introducing certain foods from this ancient practice will help you to naturally get rid of vitiligo. The following should be taken every day for forty days to see results in the pigment change of your skin.

You must eliminate all meat products from your diet and adhere to a strictly vegetarian diet. Consuming about six raw cucumbers every day along with your vegetarian diet will work wonders. To make this diet the most effective for your condition, three beetle leaves taken three times a day with the cucumber will provide the results you’re looking for.

Water from a Copper Cup

While this method will not provide results for some time, it does work and can be added along to any of the other home remedies to help treat vitiligo. Water that is stored in a copper cup or vessel will help to give your body the minerals it needs to treat this unattractive condition.

The water must be stored in the container for a long period of time to get the best results. It helps to increase the production of melanin and give your skin back its natural color. This remedy should not be considered one that will work fast and should be used with other methods to see the best results.

Sweet Basil

Sweet basil extract mixed with lemon juice will give you results in about five months. The juice from about six lemons is needed for this method and should be combined with a few teaspoons of sweet basil extract. This mixture should be applied to the affected areas on the skin and left for at least fifteen minutes. Rinse off with warm water and repeat every day for five or six months, and you will see a noticeable difference in the pigment of your skin.

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7 Effective Ways To Relieve Splitting Headaches After Crying https://bodypaintips.com/headaches-after-crying/ https://bodypaintips.com/headaches-after-crying/#respond Sat, 24 Oct 2020 21:19:21 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3346 Tears are a combination of mucus, oil, and water coming out of tear ducts in your eyes. Whenever you cry,

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Tears are a combination of mucus, oil, and water coming out of tear ducts in your eyes. Whenever you cry, these tears make their way through the sides of your eyelids. They even go through the nasal cavity, which explains why you also have a runny nose for every bout of crying.

Have you ever wondered why your head starts to ache right after you cry? You’re not alone because other people experience it as well. You might be wondering why do you get headaches after crying. Fortunately, medical experts have found out a few root causes.

Why Do You Get A Splitting Headache After Crying?

  • Stress hormones – One of the root causes of headache are your hormones. Whether you cry due to tension, stress, or sadness, you release stress hormones from your body, and they usually cause migraines or light headaches.
  • Dehydration – The second root cause is dehydration when you lose too much water from your body due to crying. The tears that flow down from your eyes contain water, which means you also lose a little amount of water during your emotional moment.
  • Sinus Problems – Since tears travel through the nasal cavity, intense crying often results to a throbbing pain between the eyes that lead to headaches.

How To Relieve Splitting Headaches After Crying

Whether you cry due to your emotions or stress, you will start to experience the headache by feeling a dull sense of pain. Then, you will experience pressure around your head as well as your forehead. You will also notice that when you cried longer than usual, you will also feel aches on your neck, scalp, and shoulders. Lastly, dizziness follows when the crying becomes too intense, and dizziness comes in as your headaches worsen.

Headaches should not be taken for granted even if it’s caused by crying. If not treated properly, it can lead to other complications on your body such as stomach pains, nausea, vision blurs, and ulcers. It can also affect your performance at work or in school as headaches from crying distract you. It’s best to relieve your headaches the moment you stop crying.

You can choose to wait for the headache to pass, but it’s not a guarantee that it will go away. There are a number of simple ways to effectively relieve headaches after crying and most methods don’t require consultation from a doctor. With that, here are the following methods to relieve headaches after crying.

Rehydrate your body

As one of the root causes of headache is dehydration, drinking liquids is another way to relieve headaches after crying.

By drinking water, juice, or any other beverage, you replenish your body and you calm down the stress levels that brought you to crying in the first place.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages though, because it only dehydrates you more and makes your headache even worse.

Take a needed amount of rest

There is truth to the words “cry me to sleep” as you need to take some rest to relieve headaches after crying. You can sleep it off as you go to bed or you can take a short nap; either way, resting your mind (and your eyes) for a short time soothe your nerves and soothe your head. Just give yourself a few hours of sleep and you’ll feel better the moment you wake up.


You can also take time to meditate in order to relieve headaches after crying. To do this, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then perform simple breathing exercises by deep inhales before exhales. You can also perform yoga as a way to meditate your body and relieve your headaches.

Eat comfort food

You may have a tendency to eat after a bout of crying, hence the term “emotional eating”. On the other hand, headaches can sometimes be solved by simply eating any food. With that, you can feast on so-called comfort foods or snacks and meals that you eat in order to relieve headaches after crying.

To begin with, chocolate is one of these comfort food that helps because this sweet snack releases endorphins that give you a good feeling. Pasta is also an example of comfort food that helps relieve headaches after crying.

Take light exercise

As soon as you’re done crying, you can relieve those headaches by doing some light exercises. One example is a leisurely stroll to wherever you want to go, whether around the park or to your favorite grocery store. Walking calms your mind because it diverts your attention away from the source that triggered your crying.

Another example of relieving headaches is by light dancing. This exercise can take away the headache by also relieving your nerves and diverting your mind’s attention away from the triggers. However, don’t go overboard and perform intense body movements as they won’t help relieve the throbbing pain.

Playing puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles, tangrams, and other brain-teaser puzzles also help you relieve headaches after crying because they primarily divert your attention from the pain and make you focus on the games. Plus, the fun factor and the challenge from these games also alleviate stress, as well as give you a chance to regain your composure after crying.

Take pain-relieving medicine (if nothing else helps)

Over-the-counter analgesics such as ibuprofen and paracetamol help relieve headaches after crying. These pain-relievers are recommended for people suffering from headaches and migraines due to stress, and they can also relieve aches due to crying. One tablet or capsule is enough to relieve the pain and nothing more. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking any medication.

These are the various ways to relieve headaches after crying, but in case the headache persists it is best that you consult your physician so you can get prescription medication for your persistent headaches.

Crying is a normal human emotional reaction, however, if it results in you feeling like your head is split in two afterward then you should take the necessary steps to prevent this from happening again.

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How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear? https://bodypaintips.com/how-get-water-out-ear/ https://bodypaintips.com/how-get-water-out-ear/#comments Fri, 23 Oct 2020 12:24:13 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3341 People who love to swim always suffer from water in ears but it can be easily get rid of by

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People who love to swim always suffer from water in ears but it can be easily get rid of by applying a water ear remedy. When swimming, using earplugs will keep water from entering into the ears but there are instances that you will lose your earplugs while jumping into the pool and cause pain due to water in the ear. Water in the ear is painful because the water in the swimming pool contains chemicals and germs.

The symptoms of water in the ear are pain and itching in ears, heavy feeling in the ears, and lessened hearing. You might also feel a sudden sharp pain, a discharge that is milky colored, and inflammation of the ear and lymph nodes. In some instances, a buzzing sound can be heard and the skin of your ear may start looking sore and flaky.

Water Ear Remedy

Below are the various water ear remedies you can follow to stop suffering the condition.

  • Gravity and Jumping – A commonly used and proven effective water ear remedy when you have got water in your ears recently. This is mostly seen being used in swimming pools. Stand up on your right leg and slant your head to the right side. Jump for eight times. The gravity and the jumping that you do will let the water out from your ear. Do the same steps on the left side.
  • Alcohol – This one is among the best ear infection remedy that uses water for the treatment which is alcohol. Rub some alcohol inside your ear. This will promote evaporation of the water inside and also kills the germs that bring the infection.
  • Slant your head to one side and put your index finger in the ear, wiggling it. This will enable the water to come out of it. Do the same procedure to the other ear.
  • Hairdryer – Get a hairdryer and put it at the lowest temperature. Check the warmness of the air by heating on your wrist. Hold the dryer at an arm’s length and blow on the affected ear for about thirty seconds.
  • You can also buy over-the-counter ear drops for water in the ear. Understand the instructions on how to apply it written on its label. Using ear drops will reduce the infection that is caused by water in the ear after swimming.
  • Prepare a salt and water solution, one-fourth teaspoon, and one cup of water. See to it that the solution is just at body temperature. Flush out your ear with the saline solution by using a bulb syringe.
  • One also of the various water ear remedy is using heating pads. Put a heating pad in your ear but make sure that between them is a folded hand towel. Do not stay on the heating pad for long in your ear for your ear might get burned.
  • Crush a few cloves of garlic. Put the garlic in a pan and add a little amount of olive oil. Heat the mixture but do not boil it. Then, strain the mixture and let it cool down. Put a few drops to your ear. Garlic has antibiotic property and olive oil has a healing ability. This will get rid of the infection in the ear.

Remove Water from Ear

Knowing how to remove water from the ear is very important especially when water is stuck in your ear. When this happens, you will experience difficulty in hearing and this might even lead to loss of hearing. Removing water from the ear is definitely helpful and useful. Here are some tips on how you can remove water from the ear.

Ways How to Remove Water from Ear

You can remove water from the ear by simply performing the jumping bean method. You can do this by tilting your ear downward and hitting your head to let the water flow down the ear. If the water is still stuck inside, you should jump endlessly until the water is totally removed from the ear. This is one of the classic procedures on how to remove water from the ear.

Get rid of water from the ear by putting drops of water into the ear! Well, this might sound wrong but this one really works. Get an eyedropper and fill it with clean water. Tilt the affected ear upward and put drops of water into the ear. Let it stay for five seconds then quickly flip your head down so that the affected ear is facing down. Let the water drip out of the ear. Repeat the said procedure until the water removed out of the ear.

A mixture of alcohol and vinegar can definitely remove water from the ear. Use an eyedropper to put three to five drops of alcohol and vinegar mixture into the affected ear. Wait until the mixture will dry up the water inside your ear.

To remove water from ear, sleep with the affected ear facing the pillow. In a couple of minutes, gravity will help pull out water from your ear.

You can also use a hairdryer to remove water from the ear. This is definitely a very effective method to solve your problem. Simply turn on the hairdryer and set it in its lowest setting. Place the hair dryer near your ear to dry out water inside it. Make sure not to place the hairdryer too close to avoid ear irritation and to prevent yourself from getting burned.

There are over-the-counter antiseptic eardrops you can use to remove water from the ear. Simply tilt the affected ear upward then put three to five drops into the ear. Let it stay for three to five seconds then tilt the affected ear downward and let water drip out of the ear.

If you have cash, then of course you can go to a doctor to help remove water from the ear. Doctors are experienced in these procedures and they can help you in no time. It would also be good to visit your doctor to see if there are any ear infections. Unlike the other methods, going to a doctor isn’t free. You have to be prepared for the cost.

There you go, the different methods of how to remove water from ear fast and safe. Next time water gets stuck in your ear, you already know what to do. Make sure to keep in mind all these tips on how to remove water from the ear and keep your ear away from infection.

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13 Ways For Easing Neck Pain In The Right Side Of The Neck https://bodypaintips.com/neck-pain-right-side-neck/ https://bodypaintips.com/neck-pain-right-side-neck/#respond Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:14:56 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3336 Find out what are the main causes of neck pain in the right side of the neck, and how to

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Find out what are the main causes of neck pain in the right side of the neck, and how to find relief if neck pain in the right side of the neck is experienced?

Neck pain on the right side of the neck is a fairly common problem experienced by many people all over the world. The common misconception is that it is only caused by improper posture or the common stiff neck.

However, neck pain on the right side of the neck may actually be caused by a different disease. If this is the case, immediate medical attention is needed. Having this type of chronic pain can affect any person’s quality of life and daily activities.

There are several reasons why most people experience or suffer from neck pain on the right side of the neck. It is best to know why and what causes that pain to prevent it from becoming chronic. It is always necessary to address the root cause of the neck pain to make sure that bigger health problems can be avoided.

What Causes Neck Pain in The Right Side of the Neck?

There could be many reasons for experiencing neck pain on the right side of the neck. It may vary from simple posture issues to different types of diseases.

NB! It is important to remember that the real answer and final diagnosis can only be given during live appointment with a doctor.

Poor posture

Poor posture is one of the major reasons why people commonly experience neck pain on the right side of the neck. This can be experienced on any part of the neck. It is also very common for people who work in the office as they are prone to sitting for numerous hours a day. Most of the time, a person who does not sit properly while typing or writing experiences this pain. It is also common for people who hold their phones in between their neck and chin during a conversation. When this becomes a habit, it is easy to get neck pain on the right side of the neck.

Lifting heavy items or carrying heavy backpacks and shoulder bags

Carrying heavy backpacks or shoulder bags may cause pain in the neck. This is because there are a lot of nerves found on the shoulder and on the neck. These nerves are stressed whenever heavy lifting is done.

Emotional stress

Anxiety and emotional stress can cause physical pain. This is because it affects the nerves and primary muscles in the spine, neck, and shoulder. Stress makes an individual tense and this unusual activity of the muscle causes pain.

Fall or accident trauma

People who were involved in car accidents or falls may experience pain in the neck. This is also known as a whiplash injury. The ligaments, connective tissue, and supporting muscles are damaged after an abrupt movement of the head. This unexpected movement may be backward, forward, or sideways.

Neck arthritis

Neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis are physical ailments that happen when the cartilage protecting the joint breaks down. If this happens, those cartilages will not be able to allow smooth movement between bones. The joint swells up and becomes painful.

Pinched nerve

This occurs when there is too much pressure applied to tissues that surround a nerve. It may happen to tissues located in the bones, cartilages, tendons, or muscles. When there is too much pressure, the nerve is unable to function properly. It causes tingling, numbness, weakness, and most of all neck pain. This is common on the right side of the neck as 90% of the worldwide population is right-handed. Hence, a pinched nerve mostly creates neck pain on the right side of the neck.

Cervical herniated disc

When the inner core of a disc in the neck leaks out of its disc or herniates, it usually presses on the adjacent nerve root. A cervical herniated disc usually happens when a person has had a neck injury or trauma. There is also a chance that this may happen spontaneously especially to people between 30 to 50 years old. When a person has a cervical herniated disc, symptoms such as tingling, and numbness appears. It is accompanied by arm pain and neck pain. There are times that there is also significant weakness in the muscles.

Cervical degenerative disc disease

Cervical discs allow the neck to bend forward to back. It also allows it to bend forward to back effortlessly. The cervical discs separate the vertebrae and stabilize it. It also functions as the shock absorber of the neck. People around 40 to 60 years old often have a cervical degenerative disease. It is because the cervical discs degrade over time.  When a person acquires this condition, the neck becomes very stiff causing it to be less flexible. This causes chronic neck pain that is usually felt by the end of the day.

Tumors or cysts

Cysts or tumors can be acquired by anyone no matter what age group they belong to. Common symptoms of spinal tumors are extreme pain in the neck or back. It may include numbness or weakness in the arms or legs.


Meningitis is an infection that affects the meninges. These are the delicate membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. There are viral, bacterial, and fungal types of meningitis. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, headache, limb pain, stiff neck, and extreme pain in the neck.


This is a condition that causes pain throughout the body as it affects the muscles. The pain is most significant in the shoulder and neck region.

Read: How To Know If You Have Fibromyalgia


Osteoporosis is common to age women. This disease causes the bones to weaken which leads to small fractions. It mostly happens to the hands or the knees, but it may also affect the neck that will definitely cause severe pain.

Heart attack

Neck pain may be a sign of a pending heart attack. Take note that there are other symptoms that appear if this is the case. It may be nausea, vomiting, arm or jaw pain, sweating, and shortness of breath.

How to Relieve Neck Pain on the Right Side of the Neck?

There are several ways to relieve neck pain on the right side of the neck. There are many over-the-counter medications available for this ailment. However, there are also other home remedies that can be done should medications be unavailable or if you want to treat neck pain naturally.

NB! It is important to remember that the final treatment can only be suggested during live appointment with a doctor.

  • Cold therapy – A cold pack can be used during the first 2 days of having neck pain on the right side of the neck. If a cold pack is not available, an alternative is to use ice that’s wrapped in a wet cloth. Apply the pack on the sore area for 20 minutes. It is recommended to do it 4 times a day or as needed. It is also important to be cautious when doing cold therapy. Be wary in order to avoid frostbite especially for children. Applying cold therapy reduces pain and spasm in the neck.
  • Apply dry or moist heat – If there is still pain on the right side of the neck or just pain on the neck for over 48 hours, it is recommended to use heat. Apply a heating pad, warm wet washcloth, or heat pack on the sore muscles for 10 minutes. It can also be done as needed. Doing this can increase blood flow and speeds up healing. Just make sure to be careful as heat can cause burns.
  • Gentle massage – A gentle massage increases blood flow and relieves the pain. Gently rub the area or massage the neck. Take note to avoid any injured area especially if the pain increases when it is massaged. The surrounding area can be massaged instead.
  • Rest for at least a day or two – This should help the sore muscles in that area heal and recover.
  • Maintain proper posture – Proper posture should be observed even when there is no pain in the neck. This ensures that chronic pain or stiffness would be avoided. If there is already neck pain on the right side of the neck, make sure that proper posture is practiced. It is also good to protect the neck during this time and avoid any activity that may increase the pain. In 48 hours after the pain is felt, consider doing a gentle stretching program. Avoid engaging in any sports that may increase stress and pain in the neck area.
  • Proper sleeping position – It is better to sleep on the back or on the side if there is neck pain on the right side of the neck. It is also best to sleep with a neck collar to avoid further stress to the neck. If there is no neck collar available, an alternative is to wrap a small towel around the neck. This ensures that the neck is kept from moving too much during sleep.
  • Proper diet – Eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are found in cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, and salmon. Some flax seeds, walnuts, and leafy green vegetables contain these acids. Omega-3 fatty acids lower inflammatory chemicals. This helps relieve pain on the right side of the neck.

How to avoid neck pain on the right side of the neck?

Knowing basic prevention techniques is always a must. Prevention is always better than cure. It is as simple as avoiding slouching and maintaining proper posture. Walking from time to time can be helpful.

Proper sitting position

If a person is required to sit for a long period of time, sit straight with the lower back supported. Make sure that the feet remain flat on the floor and the shoulders are relaxed too. If there is a chance, stand up and walk every couple of hours.

Headset or speaker phone

If lengthy phone conversations can’t be avoided consider using a headset or a speakerphone. Cradling the phone on the shoulder stresses out the muscles on the neck that causes pain.

Correct lifting techniques

Lift with the knees, not the back. Make sure to practice correct lifting techniques.

Avoid heavy weights

Backpacks and school bags should be used correctly as well.

Proper driving position

Car seats should maintain an upright position. Make sure that it supports the head and the lower back. When driving, the arms should be flexed slightly, but make sure that it is done comfortably.

Office ergonomics

Most people are required to use a computer for work. The monitor should be eye level all the time. Get a document holder so what you’re referencing as you type would be on the same eye level as the screen.

Proper diet

Eat foods with a lot of antioxidants and fiber. Fiber can lower the indicator of inflammation in the blood. Taking calcium and vitamin D also helps as they keep the bones healthy. These vitamins can reduce the degradation of the vertebrae in the neck. Magnesium is highly recognized as a mineral that helps in improving skeletal health. It is essential in contraction and relaxation of the muscles as well.

When is the right time to see a doctor?

It is important to know that these home treatments are only good for common neck pains. If the pain persists, consulting your physician is a must. It is important to identify where the pain is coming from in order to get the proper treatment or medication.

Take note that if neck pain in the right side of the neck is severe, does not improve, or worsens over the following days, consult an expert right away. This is especially recommended if the neck pain is consistent for 3 to 4 weeks. Watch out for unexplainable weight loss, sudden fever and chills, and extreme headache.

Be wary of other symptoms that can also be mistaken for other common illnesses. It includes as vomiting, headache, tingling, numbness, weakness, and bladder or bowel dysfunction. There may be times that there will be a lump in the neck or swollen glands.

What are the exams needed in order to find the cause of neck pain in the right side of the neck?

Physical exams will be performed, and a complete medical history check will be done. The treatment may vary depending on what the diagnosis will be. The tests will depend on the recommendation of the doctor. Blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, electromyography, or spinal tap performed. This is to ensure that the specific cause of the pain in the right side of the neck will be properly identified.

Pain in the right side of the neck may just be one symptom of another disease. That illness may require immediate attention or medication. Do not ignore simple symptoms as it is better to be careful and cautious than to be sorry.

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8 Ways To Relieve Headaches From Working On Computer All Day https://bodypaintips.com/headaches-working-computer-all-day/ https://bodypaintips.com/headaches-working-computer-all-day/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 19:03:59 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3332 Learn how to relieve headaches from working on computer all day! The use of computers is now part of man’s

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Learn how to relieve headaches from working on computer all day!

The use of computers is now part of man’s daily routine. But people can actually develop tremendous headaches from working on computer all day.

If you feel you are suffering from computer-induced headache, you can do these 9 things to relieve your headaches.

How to Relieve Headaches from Working on Computer All Day

Drink water

You should drink 2 cups of water if you are feeling a bit unsteady. The first cup should be lukewarm water to activate your body system followed by cold water (without ice) to refresh your mind. There are also instances where headaches from computers are the product of too much work and dehydration.

Take a break

If you are already experiencing headaches from working on the computer, it means you are working too much. Stand up and walk around your workplace. It’s better if you have something to do like playing games or feeding your pet, but remember to avoid mental activities such as playing chess, solving crossword puzzles, and etc.

Find a properly ventilated place

Sit near an air conditioner to facilitate ventilation. Proper ventilation helps in relieving headaches because it increases the level of oxygen, and it prevents the vasodilatation of major arteries. It’s better if you set up your computer near a window or a working electric fan.


You can stand up and do some stretching to let blood flow freely to your upper body. In fact, there are specific stretches that relieve headaches from working on a computer all day.

Cervical Rotation

Turn your head to the right, and glance over your shoulders.

Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then turn your head to the left.

Repeat 10 times.

Circular Rotation

Look down and hold this position for 3 seconds.

Gently rotate your head starting from the left side going to the right side.

Once you made one rotation, look down again and then rotate your head starting from the right going to the left.

Repeat for 15 times.


Eating snacks can relieve headaches from working on a computer all day. You can consume chocolate bars to replenish your energy. You can also eat fruits such as bananas, avocados, and watermelon. However, avoid processed and canned foods because it contains MSGs that dilate the blood vessels in the head.


You may not believe it, but potatoes are known to relieve headaches. Don’t get too excited because you’re not going to turn them into potato fries. You’re going to cut it into slices and stick it in your temples with a cloth. Rest and lie down on a sofa for 30 minutes, and let the potatoes sink in your skin. You can also place potatoes above your eyes while resting.


Take Paracetamol or other over-the-counter headache tablets as soon as the headache starts. With this method, you can relieve and prevent further pain. It is an immediate cure, but you should remember not to overdose yourself.

Consult a doctor

If you are always experiencing headaches from working on a computer all day, and all the methods above didn’t work for you, then it’s time to consult a doctor. You should also have an eye exam to see if you need a pair of glasses.

How to Avoid Headaches from Working on Computer All Day

There are also ways that you can do avoid headaches from working on a computer all day. These things include changing your work environment and eye behavior.

Rearrange your workspace

You’re environment can also trigger computer-induced headaches. There are simple modifications that can prevent headaches.

  • Alter the height of your chair so that your eye level is 4 inches above the center of the computer screen.
  • Sit for at least 65cm away from the desktop.
  • Use an LCD desktop. If your workplace is still using CRT, then attach anti-radiation screens.
  • Place a cactus near your computer screen.
  • Adjust the desktop display setting. It is advisable to use the lowest value for brightness and contrast.
  • Use darker desktop wallpapers.

Develop eye-friendly habits

Staring for too long on the monitors are the main reason for headaches. There are several eye care exercises that can help you get away with headaches.

  • Glare at nearby walls from time to time. It would be better if you’re going to look at dark-colored walls.
  • Blink often. It’s a good exercise for the eyes, and it also keeps the moisture on your eyeballs.

Computers are really useful nowadays, but using them too much can be harmful. Try to practice the different techniques mentioned for avoiding headaches from working on a computer all day. Try to find out the method that works best for you and stick with it whenever another headache comes along. It’s also good to do preventive acts to minimize the possibility of having headaches. Remember that an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.

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7 Causes of Getting Headache Immediately After Eating and Remedies https://bodypaintips.com/headache-immediately-after-eating/ https://bodypaintips.com/headache-immediately-after-eating/#respond Sun, 18 Oct 2020 20:12:56 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3328 Find out why you are getting headache immediately after eating and how you can ease headache after eating. Getting a

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Find out why you are getting headache immediately after eating and how you can ease headache after eating.

Getting a headache immediately after eating is not uncommon, but it’s not something you can ignore. Its symptoms are unbearable as they can stop you from doing what you love. Experiencing this type of pain creates pressure between your eyes. Also, you may feel a throbbing pain in the left or right part of your head. Or, the pressure may come with a tight sensation on your forehead.

A headache immediately after eating can be a sign of underlying health issues. In most cases, you can get nausea and headache after eating, which requires proper treatment. Also, you must visit your doctor if you get a headache immediately after eating almost every day. It can result in stress, sleeping issues, and depression if left untreated.

At times, you may experience a headache because of sweets or salty foods. But, your problem is not always triggered by the food alone. Sometimes, the pain is caused by the combination of the underlying health issue and food.

Possible Causes of Headaches After Eating

If you get a headache immediately after eating, you must not jump to a conclusion about its cause. The problem is usually associated with what you eat, but the food itself is not always the culprit.

The following are some possible causes of a headache immediately after eating:

  • Hypertension
  • Food Allergy
  • Food Intolerance
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Gastric Reflux
  • Medical Condition


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a typical health issue that you may incur at any age. A high intake of salt can cause a headache, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure. The excess salt will draw the water into your bloodstream, resulting in increased blood volume and hypertension.

Food allergy

At times, your immune system sees the foods you ate as a threat to your body. When it happens, your body will release histamine in your blood. It’s your body’s allergic response that will lead to hives, inflammation, or a headache.

Food intolerance

Food allergies are not the same as food intolerance. Food tolerance is a condition wherein your body can’t tolerate food substances like gluten and lactose. Your body’s sensitivity to these food substances can lead to diarrhea, stomach pain, or a headache.


You may get a headache immediately after eating if you have diabetes and you eat sweets. Foods that are rich in sugar can trigger a sudden increase in your blood glucose that results in insulin production. Insulin is a substance that increases the sugar absorption in your cells, causing hypoglycemia. Sugar crash triggers the blood vessels in your brain to dilate, resulting in a headache.


Foods with tyramine like yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk can also cause a headache immediately after eating. Some foods typically cause migraines, such as cured meats, chocolate, citrus fruits, and soy sauce.

Gastric reflux

Acid reflux is a condition wherein the acid in your gut goes up to your esophagus and reaches your throat. Acid reflux happens when you eat spicy or fried foods. The acid in your stomach will increase if you eat such foods, resulting in reflux. Gastric reflux is often accompanied by a headache.

Medical condition

Usually, you think that food was the cause of your headache. However, your problem can be a result of a more complicated issue. There are some health issues like trigeminal neuralgia that can make you get a headache after eating. Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful headache that you can experience after eating if you have diabetes. Moreover, a brain tumor becomes a cause of a headache after eating in rare cases.

How to Relieve Headache after Eating

The synthetic medicines like anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, and antidepressants are enough to kill the pain. However, there are natural treatments for a headache immediately after eating. If you want a good treatment without side effects, try any of these natural remedies for a headache after eating.

Natural remedies for a headache after eating are:

  • Acupuncture: A therapist inserts the needles underneath the skin to enhance the flow of your energy. Studies reveal that acupuncture is effective in dealing with acute migraines.
  • Neck stretches: Muscle tension makes a headache worse. Stretching the muscles around your neck is helpful if the symptoms begin to appear.
  • Aerobics: Swimming, cycling, and brisk walking are great activities as they lessen the severity and frequency of your headache. If you’re a woman, you’ll become more prone to a headache after eating when you’re pregnant. In this case, aerobics is a good, safe remedy for the pain.
  • Cold compress: Apply a cold compress to the painful part of your head to relieve a throbbing headache.
  • Meditation and yoga: Meditation and yoga level off the blood pressure, so it relieves a terrible headache.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender has a soothing effect and relief for the pain. Mix a few drops of the lavender essential oil with boiling water, and inhale the vapor. Or, you can apply the oil straight to your forehead.

When to Consult Your Doctor?

You should visit your physician when home remedies or painkillers don’t relieve the pain. Seek medical advice right away if the problem persists. Also, you must watch out for other kinds of pain that you experience when you get a headache after eating.

Keep in mind that medical help is necessary if you experience any of the following:

  • Changes in speech and vision
  • Muscle weakness
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Numbness on the left or right side of your body
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Trouble walking
  • High fever

It can be hard to manage your condition if you suffer from a headache immediately after eating almost every day. The pain may not disappear immediately, so you must be patient when dealing with a throbbing headache after eating. There’s no magical pill that you can take to get rid of the pain fast. While there are several treatment choices available, not all of them will work for you. Thus, you’re bound to try all these treatment options first until you find what’s best for you.

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8 Ways to Avoid a Headache After a Nap https://bodypaintips.com/avoid-headache-after-a-nap/ https://bodypaintips.com/avoid-headache-after-a-nap/#respond Sat, 17 Oct 2020 19:38:12 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3324 Getting a good night’s sleep is important, but there are some instances when you just can’t get the right amount

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Getting a good night’s sleep is important, but there are some instances when you just can’t get the right amount of sleep at night. This is why some people nap – to make up for lost sleep. Other people take naps as a form of past-time, plus it gives them that fully-restored, relaxed feeling once they wake up.

Research has confirmed that there are many benefits that you can get from napping. Some of these include improving your mood, increasing alertness and creativity, reducing fatigue, and boosting your memory. There are only a few studies on the benefits of napping, with one of them showing how getting a 60-90-minute nap can help you perform a task better after taking that quick shut-eye.

Why you’re waking up with a Headache after a Nap

Unfortunately, not all people experience the wonderful benefits of naptimes. Some actually get really bad headaches after a nap. These post-nap headaches, coupled with grogginess and disorientation, are signs of your body experiencing sleep inertia. The good thing is, this condition can be prevented once you learn a few napping hacks.

What is Sleep Inertia?

Sleep inertia occurs when you suddenly wake up from slow-wave sleep, something that you experience when you take long naps. However, this does not directly mean that the shorter naps you take, the better. There is a suggested range of minutes you can nap, depending on the results you want to get.

How long is an ideal nap?

  • 10-20 minutes: ideal for a boost in alertness and energy – commonly called power naps.
  • 30 minutes: several studies show that napping at this length may cause sleep inertia. This can last for up to 30 minutes after you wake up before you can feel the restorative benefits of your nap.
  • 60 minutes: this is the ideal napping period for people who want to improve their memory. However, you may feel some grogginess when you wake up.
  • 90 minutes: napping this long is equivalent to a full cycle of sleep which includes the lighter and deeper stages and rapid eye movement (REM). This helps improve procedural and emotional memory and creativity. Also, you won’t experience sleep inertia, making it easier to wake up and do your tasks.

Another reason for getting a headache after a nap could be irregular sleeping patterns and sleep deficit. Waking up to your alarm at a certain stage in the sleep cycle could disrupt your system and cause headaches, among other effects.

There are some other things you must remember to avoid getting a headache after napping.

  • First, it is best to take your naps later in the afternoon and not at night. Research has shown that naps can help improve functioning when done in the afternoon, but night-time naps can give no benefits.
  • Second, if you’ve had enough sleep, it is best not to nap. Sleep-deprived individuals greatly benefit from naps, but if you’re just a sleepyhead, constant napping can give you headaches instead of recovery.

If the suggestions above don’t work for you, here are some other suggestions you can try to help make your naps better and avoid getting headaches after a nap.

How to Avoid a Headache after a Nap

Change your sleeping position

Sometimes, it is the way your body is positioned that causes discomfort when you wake up. Try sleeping on your side or on your back instead of napping face down on a table.

Nap at a comfortable place

As much as possible, take your naps somewhere where you can lay down properly instead of just leaning on a desk. Get a good pillow to avoid straining your upper back and neck.

Learn to manage stress

Napping can be quite difficult if you constantly feel stressed. Instead of waking up more relaxed, you might even feel more strained than before you took a nap. Try doing yoga, meditation, or light exercises before napping to help condition your body.

Don’t eat too much

Most people take naps as short breaks from stress, which are also usually coupled with stress eating. Be sure not to gobble up on too much food minutes before napping to make your body more relaxed and so you don’t feel too bloated once you wake up.

Be mindful of your caffeine intake

If you plan to drink coffee, take it before your nap. Caffeine’s effects usually kick in 30 minutes after intake, so you must get that nap right after you drink your coffee. When you wake up 10-20 minutes after, you will feel even more energized.

Hydrate yourself

This is a common problem experienced by many people – not getting enough H2O. Waking up with a headache can be caused by dehydration, so get yourself a glass of water before you take a nap.

Avoid being exposed to allergens

Some people are more sensitive than others, and if you’re one of them, you must avoid napping in areas filled with dust mites. You might wake up with a headache due to sinus infections.

Set an alarm and stick to it

Naps are supposed to help you recover your energy, so you must not overdo it to the point where you get normal sleep. Give yourself enough time to nap by choosing from the range indicated above. Set your alarm and once it rings, get up immediately and continue your tasks. Hitting snooze would only lead you to over napping and more headaches.

In sum, naps are a great way to restore your energy and make you feel rested. A good nap can be achieved by getting the right length and doing it at the right time of the day. 2-3 PM is a highly suggested napping time since your body is naturally sleepy between 1-4 PM.

A proper napping environment is also essential to avoid a headache after a nap, and proper stress management is important to help you achieve rejuvenation. Too much napping is a no-no, just like how oversleeping can bring you more harm than good. Always remember that headaches after naps can be avoided if only you practice napping the proper way. So set your alarm now and take your naps wisely!

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How To Effectively Treat Your Tiredness Headache https://bodypaintips.com/tiredness-headache/ https://bodypaintips.com/tiredness-headache/#respond Fri, 16 Oct 2020 16:10:14 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3319 Find out what are the main causes and symptoms of tiredness headache and how to find relief from tiredness headache.

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Find out what are the main causes and symptoms of tiredness headache and how to find relief from tiredness headache.

Tiredness and most headaches are nothing serious. More often than not, what makes you feel tired is your extensive work. In contrast, your common headache may be triggered by different, non-fatal factors; one of those is exhaustion itself.

Tiredness headache will not likely kill you, but it could affect your performance and mood. Its frequency and intensity may also impair how you carry out day-to-day activities. To help avoid tiredness headache, understand the main causes and learn to counter them.

Main Causes Of Tiredness Headache

First, a headache may just be a symptom of another medical condition. Same goes for tiredness.

Before you use the treatment options below, make sure you are free from any serious illness that may trigger one or both of the said symptoms. Some of the medical conditions that include headache and tiredness as their symptoms are as follows:

  • Anemia,
  • Hypothyroidism,
  • Diabetes,
  • Insomnia,
  • Sleep apnea,
  • Celiac disease
  • And chronic fatigue syndrome.

Get the right cure for the underlying condition you have and only opt for the applicable symptom-relieving tips below. Undergo proper diagnosis and consult two or more doctors to ensure your tiredness-induced headache is not something to worry about.

The root cause of the non-serious tiredness headache has a lot to do with your sleeping habits. Your exhaustion signals your body that it is time to stop, rest, or sleep. Sleeping is a way for your body to recover. Lack of quality sleep (which is not caused by insomnia) can worsen your feeling of tiredness and trigger headaches. Aside from sleep deprivation, changes in your sleeping pattern may also result in the said discomforts.

Each day, you are bound to face a lot of possible stressors. While not all of them can strain you right away, the accumulation of stresses may alter your sleeping habits, drain your energy, and cause you pains. Stress also aggravates whatever symptoms you are experiencing.

Dehydration is another potential cause of tiredness-induced headaches. Have you ever noticed how grumpy you are when you are thirsty? Not drinking enough water impairs one or more bodily processes. This causes you to feel and look worn-out.

Symptoms of tiredness headache

The severity of your headache and feeling of exhaustion is different from that of another person. Both of the said symptoms last around 30 minutes to a few hours. When one or both symptoms go beyond one day, you need to visit your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Having low energy is another indicator of tiredness-induced headaches. Each of your attempts to move feels unbearable due to what feels like heavy muscles. You also tend to work for only a few minutes before taking a break. Additionally, you feel drowsy but can hardly sleep due to the throbbing pain in your head.

That pain makes it hard for you to concentrate as well. Delayed or unreasonable responses are manifestations of your inability to concentrate properly. The combination of low energy and difficulty concentrating slows you down, leading to accumulated work and stressors.

Suffering from tiredness headache makes you a person who’s hard to deal with. You feel easily irritated by the most random of things. You tend to complain a lot, too. Instead of negotiating, you would rather fight with another person.

How to Prevent Tiredness Headache

Healthy lifestyle

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is key to preventing tiredness headaches. The number one lifestyle habit you have to keep practicing is getting enough sleep. For adults, the recommended hours of uninterrupted sleep are seven to nine. Six to 10 hours are deemed appropriate as well.


It’s easy to understand if you think that having at least six hours of sleep is close to impossible. Perhaps it is due to your heavy workload and the preparations you need to do. Sleeping for fewer hours once every three months or so will be fine. However, doing so for more than two consecutive days is a sure way to restlessness.

Getting enough sleep requires sticking to a sleeping pattern. Set alarms on your phone to remind you of the time you need to sleep and wake up. To make the lifestyle change more enjoyable, do a relaxing activity before going to bed, preferably without using a gadget and taking a sleeping pill. You can try a warm shower or bath an hour before you sleep to make you feel relaxed and refreshed. Using a massage chair is beneficial as well. You may want to read, too.

In addition to sleeping pills, stay away from caffeinated drinks like cola and coffee at least an hour before you go to bed. Don’t try teas, too; these are best taken in the morning and noontime. Instead, go for milk specially made for adults.


It also pays to know what made you stressed out. Did something happen at work a few days ago? Are things not going well in the family? You may want to address the issues to prevent them from distracting and distressing you. If the stressor is an unwanted event like an accident or death of a loved one, spending time with your family and friends may help you get over it sooner.

How to Relieve Tiredness Headache

  • Painkillers: in the forms of tablets and pills are the go-to medications against headaches. However, these may not ease the tiredness you are feeling. Menthol sticks and patches are effective in both relieving pain and feeling of exhaustion.
  • Herbal remedies: such as white willow bark, passionflower, ginger, basil, and thyme are also better alternatives to painkillers.
  • A relaxing bath: can get rid of both headaches and tiredness as well. For instant relief, put an ice pack on the side of your neck. Yoga and stretches are also must-try if you want to stick to natural remedies. Of all the treatment options available, sniffing lavender oil is the most effortless way of relieving your headache.
  • Sleep: For long-lasting relief, make sure you sleep for at least seven hours each night. If you think your tiredness headaches are caused by poor sleep quality, try relaxation exercise before going to bed.
  • Find your own way: Finding a cure for tiredness headache is not limited to over-the-counter drugs. Explore the different ways and see for yourself which ones don’t have side effects.

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11 Essential Oils for Headaches That Never Fail to Impress & How to Use Them https://bodypaintips.com/essential-oils-headaches/ https://bodypaintips.com/essential-oils-headaches/#respond Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:53:47 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3314 Headaches can be really frustrating and can happen at any time of the day. You can choose over-the-counter meds to

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Headaches can be really frustrating and can happen at any time of the day. You can choose over-the-counter meds to lessen the pain, or use essential oils for headaches as an alternative.

Essential oils have been used for more than 5,000 years as a natural remedy for various conditions and pain, especially headaches. Choosing among the available essential oils for headaches, however, can be daunting but can be also a good chance to familiarize yourself with them. To make things a bit easier, just take a look at the top essential oils for headaches.

The best essential oils for headaches are:

  1. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  2. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
  3. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
  4. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  5. Spearmint (Mentha Spicata)
  6. Rose (Rosa centifolia)
  7. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  8. Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
  9. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
  10. Roman Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
  11. Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Let’s look in detail, how the above mentioned essential oils for headaches work and how to use them.

The Best Essential Oils for Headaches and How to Use Them

  1. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) enhances blood flow when applied to the temples and forehead. The oil is derived from the leaves of the peppermint plant and can be very effective. Peppermint essential oil is probably the most widely used essential oil for headaches.

Just mix water and peppermint essential oil in a cup, dip cotton into the mixture, and rub it across the top of the forehead right next to the hairline. It creates a cooling sensation when applied to the skin and should provide relief in about 30 minutes. Just reapply if the oil did not work after an hour, using the same steps.  It works for mild headaches and migraines as well.

It should be noted that Peppermint Oil is highly concentrated and may not be recommended to use for babies and small children.

2. Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus (Eucalypstus globulus) has a morphine-like effect that relieves pain and headaches. It is extracted from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs. With its anti-inflammatory and medicinal qualities, it also relieves sinus pressure and sore throat (which may cause headaches in the first place).

Dilute a drop or two to a base oil and massage this onto the scalp, neck, and temples. With the occasional application, it improves blood flow to the scalp, giving relief from tension headaches. It also detoxifies the body and strengthens the immune system.

Eucalyptus oil is very concentrated which, at most times, should be diluted with a base oil.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a great stress reliever that calms the delicate mind and body. Lavender oil is extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender plant. It’s valued all over the world for its elegant and relaxing scent. It creates a relaxing spa-like atmosphere if used during baths (a few drops will suffice). Lavender essential oil is super effective for headache treatment since the best essential oils for headaches are often those that encourage relaxation.

For quick relief from headache, add 2 to 4 drops of lavender to 2 cups of boiling water then inhale the steam. The oil also brings restful sleep at night if used on beddings. Just apply the oil on the bed sheets and pillows for maximum effect. It can really help ease tension, pressure, and headache.

Note that Lavender oil can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions so testing it beforehand is necessary.

4. Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has long been used as a treatment for headaches and poor blood circulation. Rosemary oil is extracted by both steam and hydrodistillation. It has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and stimulating properties. When combined with a base oil like coconut or olive oil, it can effectively treat headaches.

Just apply it to the back of the neck, forehead, and temples. Diffuse rosemary oil or apply topically to help reduce nervous tension and fatigue. It also helps the mind to grow stronger and even prevents the kind of stress that causes headaches.

The undiluted oil is likely unsafe to be taken by mouth and should be handled with care.

5. Spearmint essential oil

Spearmint (Mentha Spicata) should be a great alternative if peppermint is too overwhelming (such as in the case of small children and people with sensitive skin). The oil is steam distilled from the spearmint plant and has a subtle scent. It is often used in aromatherapy to ease headaches, fatigue, migraines, digestive problems, and nervousness.

When added to bathwater, spearmint oil can induce relaxation and can lower the body temperature. It really helps when applied to those suffering from fever or chills. This is a great addition to this list of essential oils for headaches because of its antispasmodic properties. Its sweet aroma is uplifting, making it ideal for evoking a sense of positivity and focus.

6. Rose oil

Rose (Rosa centifolia) works on the nervous system and limits nervous tension. The oil is extracted from the petals of various types of rose. It can alleviate insomnia, headaches, and depression.

Putting a few drops of rose oil in a warm or hot water bath is the most effective way to use it. The hot water opens the pores and the properties of the oil immediately work its way into the body, improving blood circulation in the process. The aroma will also disperse throughout the bathwater and into the air, giving a soothing effect on the individual.

Even a touch of oil on the wrist, temples, or ears can be beneficial in reducing headache or pain. In aromatherapy, it is used as a natural sedative to help fight off depression, particularly the kind that already affects a person’s overall health.

7. Ginger oil

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the greatest essential oils for headaches due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea effects. It is taken from the underground stem of the ginger plant. It is a tropical plant that’s known to effectively relieve nausea, and its pungent smell is what alleviates headaches.

Just open a ginger oil bottle and breathe in multiple times. The oil can also be applied to the scalp (be sure to massage it gently to relax aching nerves). It can calm down a raging nervous system and help prevent recurring headaches. It’s a helpful oil to use for managing muscle pain and even aching joints.

Nursing moms and pregnant women should use it with caution, however, even though it is deemed useful for morning sickness.

8. Jasmine essential oil

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) can help stimulate mood and reduce stress, which is why it’s recommended to those suffering from lethargy and depression. The oil is derived from the jasmine flower and is quite popular for its hormone-balancing effect. Aside from having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it comes with a mild sedative effect and can be used for nervous disorders and sleep problems.

Jasmine oil is most effective when used in aromatherapy treatments or inhaled through a diffuser. Likewise, it can be applied to pulse points to soothe tension, as well as to support muscles and joints. Place a dab of jasmine oil in your hands, rub them together, and rub your hands over your nose and mouth. Inhale it deeply to promote feelings of vitality and warmth.

As always, do a skin test prior to usage.

9. Lemongrass essential oil

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is another essential oil that can really help with depression symptoms and headaches. It is distilled from the leaves and woody stalks of the lemongrass plant. The calming and soothing effect of this oil has the power to relieve pain, tension, or pressure that may result in headaches.

Massage the diluted lemongrass essential oil onto the temples and inhale the lemony scent. Another way to maximize its effects is by diffusing the oil in a home diffuser.

When used properly, the oil boosts mental strength and uplifts the spirit, providing relief from anxiety and headaches.

Do note though, that pregnant women should not use this oil as there is a very slight possibility of it causing miscarriage.

10. Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is used for stress-related headaches. It contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that are used for relieving anxiety and stress. Its analgesic properties effectively reduce pain in muscles and joints and decrease the severity of headaches.

Add a few drops of the essential oil in your choice of carrier oil. Add the resulting mix to warm or hot water and breathe in the steam. It can be also used to soothe the body and mind – just add one to two drops to herbal teas or hot drinks. This is an amazing oil for harnessing the power of relaxation.

11. Orange

Orange (Citrus sinensis) gives a breath of fresh air and positivity. The oil is typically found within the orange fruit’s rind. Its sweet and tangy scent lifts mood and also brings a comforting sensation.

Add a few drops of the oil to bubble baths and breathe in the sweet and playful scent. Bathing in oil-infused water helps eliminate toxins, boosts the immune system, and calms the nerves.

You may also rub it in your palms, and afterward, put your palms over your mouth and nose. Inhale deeply for an uplifting fragrance. Diffuse orange oil in the office or at home to create a pleasant atmosphere. It is very effective for relieving headaches, anxiety, depression, and inflammation.

There you have it – eleven essential oils for headaches that work every time. You just have to try them out, and find the most effective one for your headaches.

As time goes by, essential oils are only becoming more popular as a form of alternative medicine. They’re quite effective for many conditions and they even improve overall health. As you’ve learned here though, it isn’t enough to simply find (and purchase) the best essential oils for headache – it is important to know the best way to use them to maximize their effectiveness and reduce risks (such as in the case of allergies). Of course, proper use is also the only way to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth.

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15 Natural Home Remedies For Headaches That Work https://bodypaintips.com/home-remedies-headaches/ https://bodypaintips.com/home-remedies-headaches/#respond Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:15:01 +0000 https://bodypaintips.com/?p=3310 Nowadays, migraines and headaches are common. Migraines are usually caused by diet, menstruation, heredity, stress, and other factors. Headaches can

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Nowadays, migraines and headaches are common. Migraines are usually caused by diet, menstruation, heredity, stress, and other factors. Headaches can be acquired from stress at work and the environment that you live in.


Some people experience headaches regularly and as a result, they often search for an alternative cure. Luckily, you can treat your headache by using home remedies for headaches. These treatments are commonly found at home and they are effective for soothing your headaches.

3 Common Types of Headaches

There are three common types of headaches:

  • Organic headaches.
  • Vascular headaches.
  • Tension headaches.

Organic headache

Organic headache is the less common type, but this is the most painful and the symptoms include coordination problems, speech changes, vomiting, and visual disturbances. An organic headache is usually triggered by infections, tumors, or diseases of the nose, ears, eyes, and brain.


Vascular headache

a vascular headache is a severe form of headache. Sufferers of vascular headaches usually feel an intense piercing and throbbing pain. The most common causes of vascular headaches are excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.


Tension headache

Tension headache is the most common type of headache. The person who experiences tension headaches usually feels a dull and non-throbbing pain together with tightness in the neck and scalp. Tension headache is usually triggered by daily stress like traffic jams and screaming kids.


It is possible to treat all these kinds of headaches by using natural home remedies for headaches. Here are some of the best natural home remedies for headaches that work.


The Best Natural Home Remedies for Headaches

NB! Please consult your doctor before trying any of the natural home remedies for headaches.

Scalp massage

Massaging your scalp is one of the most effective home remedies for headaches. It can make you feel great and it reduces your migraine pain. Based on studies, massaging the occipital nerve located at the back of the skull can also alleviate headaches.


Basil oil

Basil is an herb usually used as toppings in pasta and pizzas because it smells good and adds flavor to the dishes. The oil extracted from the leaves of a basil plant is effective in treating headaches. The basil oil has the ability to relax your muscles, making it an effective home remedy for tension headaches.


Change in diet

One of the best home remedies for headaches involves changing your diet plan. There are some foods that can trigger migraine pain and headache such as dairy, onion, bacon, hotdog, peanut butter, chocolate, and certain fruits like banana, citrus, and avocado. Foods that contain substances like monosodium glutamate, amino acid, and tyramine can also trigger headaches.



Feverfew is a type of herb that can treat headaches. This herb is one of the natural home remedies for headaches that you can use.


A study was conducted in Great Britain and the participants who frequently suffered from headaches started taking feverfew on a regular basis. As a result, 75% of the participants who take feverfew experienced fewer headaches. Ever since then, feverfew is considered as an effective herb in the treatment and prevention of headaches.


Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is useful in treating tension headaches. The vaso-dilating and vaso-constricting properties of peppermint oil help in maintaining the normal blood flow in your body. Usually, poor blood flow causes migraine pain and headaches.


Peppermint oil works by helping the vessels to close and open, which encourages proper flow. Peppermint oil can also open up your sinuses, which allows more oxygen in your bloodstream.



Flaxseed is another of the most effective natural home remedies for headaches and you can use it in different forms including whole seeds, ground, and oil.


There are certain types of headaches that are triggered by inflammation. The most effective way to reduce inflammation is by consuming foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You can use flaxseed to treat headaches because it contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.


Lavender oil

Lavender has a nice fragrance and it is usually used in perfumes. However, it is also considered as one of the effective home remedies for headaches. You can use lavender oil by applying it on your skin or inhaling it. To inhale lavender, simply add one drop of its oil in a cup of boiling water and inhale the vapor to treat your headache.


Unlike other medicinal oils, lavender oil can be safely applied to your skin without having to dilute it.


Peach juice

Drinking peach juice can help reduce headaches. Peach juice contains magnesium which helps to relieve headaches by relaxing your muscles.



Rosemary is a well-known herb for its ability to relieve pain. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It is usually prepared as a tea by crushing the rosemary leaves and boiling them in water.


Capsaicin cream

Capsaicin is useful in treating cluster headaches. This type of headache can last up to several weeks and it is usually accompanied by a fever or runny nose. Capsaicin cream contains an active ingredient known as cayenne pepper and it works by blocking nerve pain signals. You can put small amounts of capsaicin cream inside your nostril to alleviate your headache.


Mint juice

Mint has antipruritic and antiseptic properties. The main components of mint are menthone and menthol that are highly effective in treating headaches. People who suffer from migraines and headaches can apply mint juice on their forehead to alleviate the pain.



Coffee contains caffeine, which can lessen blood vessel inflammation caused by headaches. You can drink coffee to relieve headaches. This is the reason why there are some pain relievers like Excedrin that contain caffeine.


Just keep in mind that coffee can have an opposite effect as well. Too much coffee can cause headaches – especially for people with high blood pressure.


Cold compress

Cold compress is useful in relieving a headache. You can dip a washcloth in cold water and place it over your eyes. You can also use an ice pack and place it on the area where you feel the pain.


Hot compress

Hot water can also relieve headaches. You can dip a washcloth in hot water. Squeeze the washcloth to remove the water and place it over your eyes or on the area where you feel the pain. Make the washcloth warm again for every 30 minutes.


Exercise regularly

Regular exercise allows you to release emotional and physical tension that can cause headaches. Jogging, walking, and other physical activities will increase your body’s production of a hormone called endorphins, which is a natural pain-relieving chemical.

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