What Does Anxiety Chest Pain Feel Like?

One of the most common symptoms used to identify anxiety is psychological symptoms. However, symptoms that manifest themselves physically are the ones that cause the most pain. For a long time people have asked numerous questions about anxiety, one such question is; Can anxiety cause chest pain? Out of the numerous symptoms of anxiety, chest pain is said to be the terrifying one. The reason for this is because it is usually connected to severe heart problems, causing numerous of people to panic about issues related to their health.

It is of utmost importance for you to consult with your physician whenever you experience any form of chest pain. The reason for this is because they will be able to confirm whether or not the pain is as a result of anxiety. There are a number of symptoms associated with chest pain brought about by anxiety and they include:

  • The pain is usually sharper.
  • More often than not, the pain is localized to a particular area.
  • The pain usually lasts for a short period of time

Chest pain linked to anxiety usually comes about as a result of various factors. These include:

1- Hyperventilation

This is a common physical occurrence for anxiety victims. This usually comes about as a result of muscles contracting rapidly as well as excess air within the lungs which then lead to chest pains.

2- Bloating

Anxiety causes excess gas which builds up pressure around the lungs thereby causing the pains around the chest.

3- Psychological

A large number of people often tend to ignore the fact that this issue can simply be their mind playing tricks on them. This often takes place when a person is extremely worried about the state of their health. During this state, the victim tends to believe that they are actually experiencing pains.


Reduction of chest pain and anxiety

Mild anxiety can be healthy and may enhance your focus or concentration especially during critical moments. However, a dose of too much anxiety can be harmful. For moderate and panic levels of anxiety, intervention is necessary. Each level generally causes both physiological, mental and emotional changes including irritability, insomnia, tremors, muscle tension, increased heart rate and blood pressure as well as palpitation and chest pain. Most often, people with this inclination should seek medical help to know whether the condition is serious and needs therapy and medication.

One of the most effective ways of controlling chest pains is through prevention. This is achieved by reducing the general symptoms of anxiety. The fewer anxiety attacks, the less chance you have of experiencing any chest pains. Whenever you experience these pains, the following actions will assist to ease the situation.

Controlled breathing

As earlier stated, one of the causes of this problem is hyperventilation. It is, therefore, necessary for you to practice controlled breathing as a way of calming the nerves. This will enable you to experience almost instant results.

Thought control

By visiting the doctor, you will get confirmation that your chest pain is as a result of anxiety and not any severe heart problems. This will help to keep your mind at ease thereby reducing the severity of your experience.

Controlled environment

Chest pains linked to psychological factors usually become worse when you constantly think about the experience. Try and come up with various ways to distract yourself. This will help to ease the chest pain.

As earlier noted a common question asked regarding anxiety is; can anxiety cause chest pain?. From the information presented. It is correct to say that the answer is yes. It is also important to note that this pain is usually quite harmless and can be controlled effectively.

What Does Anxiety Chest Pain Feel Like? Last Updated: 22/2/2018

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