Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes: The Causes and Treatments

Those who experience a dull pain in the left arm that comes and goes are suffering some form of discomfort between the shoulder and the wrist on their left side. The pain might be caused by minor injury, but it could be an indicator of a more serious condition. Pain in this area of the body usually centers in the arm but might radiate out toward the chest, neck or spine due to the high concentration of nerves, muscles, and arteries in the area. Some people worry about the dull pain in the left arm that comes and goes due to its high association with heart issues. Many times, the pain is not caused by panic but it must be examined further. The sufferer must pair the pain with other symptoms to determine the best course of care.


The Causes of The Pain

There are a number of reasons for the dull pain in the left arm. Among the possible causes are diseases, emotional distress, and medications. It’s best to review every symptom and life situation before beginning to panic.

Heart Trouble

This is one of the most severe causes of dull left arm pain. This pain, caused by angina, is central to the chest and radiates to the shoulder then down the arm. Severe cases, such as heart attacks, bring the same type of pain. The pain will be a tightening or squeeze feeling which might shoot into the arm. If the pain comes on suddenly, it’s time to get serious and see a doctor immediately. If the pain also comes with dizziness, nausea or extreme weakness, get help fast.


Stress is guilty of causing a number of health issues. This culprit will cause the left arm to feel tight, similar to a pulled muscle, and sore. If life has been quite stressful for the victim, it is highly possible for the body to react with pain in left arm. Chronic stress is a big factor in pain – the pain will begin dull then grow heavy over time. Panic attacks are stress-related conditions which are often mistaken for heart attacks. The chest tightens and pain shoots down the left arm. Breathing and blood pressure increase, which leads the victim to seek help for what they believe is a heart attack.

Poor Circulation

Poor circulation wreaks havoc on the body as a whole. It will often cause a sore feeling in the left arm. This area of the body is affected more than other parts of the body due to blood flow and its direction with the body. If a sufferer is dealing with poor circulation, the limbs will noticeably fall asleep or be much colder than the rest of the body. These are all signs that circulation is not where it needs to be and the sufferer needs to address the issue before assuming the worst about pain in left arm. The pain might also be felt as a dull pain or tightness in all limbs, especially when sitting still for moments at a time.


Some medications cause poor circulation, leading to left arm dull pain over a period of time. If a sufferer begins to feel pain in left arm when beginning or switching medications, the information which came with the medication needs to be reviewed. The patient needs to speak with the prescribing doctor to determine if the medication is causing the symptoms in the arm.

Physical Difficulties

At times, physical difficulties will lead to the dull pain in the left arm. The pain is often described as uncomfortable. Arm overuse or completing physically taxing tasks could also lead to pain in the arm. If the pain feels intense or severe, the muscles could possibly be injured. The joints could also have suffered damage. The sufferer needs to consider all activities over the past few days to determine if this is the culprit.

Poor Posture

Surprisingly, poor posture will cause left arm pain over time. Hand in hand with poor posture is sleeping in positions which stress the muscles of the arm. If the sufferer complains of prickly feelings in the arm or numbness which accompanies the soreness then there might be a pinched nerve somewhere near the arm. Nerves are pinched when one side of the body is used to the other or if the arm is held in an uncomfortable position for a long period of time.

How to Deal With It

Home Care

If it has been determined that the arm has been injured through excessive use, physical activity, poor posture, overuse or pinched nerves, the sufferer can treat the issues at home. Simply stop the physical activity and work on standing up straighter. Concentrate on how the arm is used and apply ice to the affected area. A compression bandage will also help the arm heal. Try to keep the arm elevated at a comfortable position and take time out to relax. A shoulder brace can be a great tool in helping to alleviate chest pain from sports-related injuries or general over-exertion.

Increasing Physical Activity

If the issue has been pinpointed as poor circulation, concentrate on putting more activity into daily activities. This does not mean that the left arm should get more activity than the rest of the body. The sufferer needs to increase blood flow which means increasing the heart rate. Cardio exercises work wonderfully for those with poor circulation issues. Simple exercises such as walking, push-ups and holding hand weights will not only increase circulation but help concentrate on moving blood through the arms at a more acceptable rate.

Seeking Medical Assistance

Whenever the dull pain in left arm is accompanied by swelling or severe redness for a long period of time with no change, the sufferer should seek a doctor’s care. Additionally, if there is bleeding or if the pain comes on suddenly, it is essential to get to the doctor right away. If there are cracking or snapping sounds at the time of injury, or if the sufferer is having trouble moving the arm, medical assistance is also highly advised. Preventative medicine is key to health, so if a sufferer is unsure about seeking medical help, it is always a good idea to call a doctor. It’s better to play it safe when dealing with one’s health.

Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes: The Causes and Treatments, Last Updated: 3/3/2018

6 thoughts on “Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes: The Causes and Treatments

  • May 8, 2018 at 7:37 pm

    Hi,i woke up with a dull ache in my left arm most annoying cant go back to sleep.
    What could it be.i went to sleep and was ok.

    • May 8, 2018 at 7:48 pm

      Hello, Lesley gibbert,
      This pain may be caused by inflammation of the muscle tendons that move the fingers of the hands. Due to lack of moving an arm during sleep. You can use wrist splint (when you sleep), and shoulder brace (after wake up).

  • May 10, 2018 at 2:30 pm

    I am having intermittent pains in the upper left arm starting as dull but increasing to sharp and lasting anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. I have no other symptoms going with this that i am acutely aware of and I wonder is this could be a form of Angina. These do not come after any particular exercise and can come at any time of the day. This has only been occuring for the last 7-10 days but it is happening often enough for me to start worrying. Any assistance you could give would be appreciated.

    • January 23, 2021 at 9:54 am

      hi! did you find out what was going on and did it get better?

  • May 10, 2018 at 6:44 pm

    Andrew Caller-Hazell
    The pain caused by angina starting from the center of the chest towards the upper arm. You didn’t mention that you had any pain in the chest, your pain in the arm. So, there are other 5 expected causes.
    Also, myocardial infarction or dissecting aortic aneurysm expected, it’s better to go to the Emergency room to ECG.

  • June 10, 2018 at 9:10 pm

    D leFtHand pain goes and come.i dont know why.becos have taken dif tins .Can it be emotional stress .becos since 2years ago not been with sex,or what can be d causes.


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