How To Rehab Sprained Ankle? 8 Proven Ways

There is a certain method involved in how to rehab a sprained ankle. It doesn’t matter if you sprained your ankle running, playing sports or falling down the steps. Your chance of recuperating quickly and getting around without hobbling depend on the steps taken in how to rehab a sprained ankle.


Rehabbing Ankle Sprain


The first step in how to rehab a sprained ankle is resting it. Get off your feet. Rest prevents any further injuries from occurring–damage to ligaments, muscles or the bones. It also keeps the inflammation down. Elevate your feet on a pillow as you watch television or rest. The elevation keeps blood out of the injured area. Your body’s natural response system is to inflame the injured area through healing properties in the blood.

The inflammation helps remove impurities that can invade the injured area. However, the initial steps in how to rehab a sprained ankle are keeping the inflammation under control. This is essential during the first 48 to 72 hours, as you have a greater chance of recovering faster this way.

Use a Cane or Crutches

Purchase a cane or some crutches to get around. You don’t want to rely solely on your balance because you may fall on your injured ankle. The impact of hopping around may also exacerbate the inflammation. A cane or crutches will keep your ankle stabilized as you move around the house. However, move when it’s absolutely essential, such as to eat a meal or get the mail.

Ice Applying

Apply ice directly to your ankle during this time frame. Ice temporarily restricts the blood vessels, limiting the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to the area. Never apply the ice itself directly to your skin. Wrap it in a towel or ice pack. You can also use ice pack slings to surround your ankle, securing the apparatus with the Velcro straps. Inflammation may be all around your ankle, so it is best to apply the ice all around it. Another option is putting ice in a large pan, adding water and soaking your injury. The cold water is very penetrating. However, limit the amount of ice you use or you may subject you to frostbite. Use the ice every four hours throughout the day.

Pain & Anti-inflammatory Medication

Another essential step in how to rehab a sprained ankle, particularly during the first few days, is to take a pain and anti-inflammatory medication. Ibuprofen and naproxen are a couple over-the-counter medications that both treat the inflammation and assuage the pain. Acetaminophen relieves pain but does nothing for inflammation. Your doctor may later prescribe a more powerful anti-inflammatory or cortisone. But the ibuprofen or naproxen should suffice the first few days. Take one of these medications every three or four hours, as directed by the instructions on the bottle. All of these initial steps are highly recommended in how to rehab a sprained ankle.

Heat Your Ankle

At some point, as the inflammation subsides, start using heat on your ankle. The heat will get your blood flowing to the injury, bringing key nutrients like vitamins and oxygen. You have several options when using heat. You can soak your foot in a pan of hot water, or like in a hot tub of water, placing your feet at the deep end of the tub. This is convenient because you can keep adding hot water. Don’t scald yourself but do make the water as warm as possible.

Walk on Your Ankle

You will eventually need to start walking on the ankle when the pain and inflammation have fully subsided. Let your doctor tell you when to do this. Your muscles in your ankle and feet are going to be a little weak at first. Therefore, don’t try to walk on them too much the first day. Listen to your body in how to rehab a sprained ankle. Stop if you experience too much pain; and work your way up to walking on it regularly, even if you limp on it slightly.


Massage works wonders as a remedy for how to rehab a sprained ankle. Ask your spouse to massage your ankle. Massage also helps stimulate blood flow and healing. It can also flush out toxins that are hindering you from fully recovering. Make an appointment with a massage therapist for the best treatment. You can also hire a physical therapist. They usually know more about how to rehab a sprained ankle. A physical therapist will help you stretch your ankle and increase your mobility. She may also prescribe some exercises to enhance your recovery.

Contact Your Doctor

You may want to contact your doctor if your ankle doesn’t improve after several days. You may have strained or damaged ligaments. In that case, you will definitely need to stay off your feet for a couple weeks. However, an important consideration in how to rehab a sprained ankle is getting your doctor’s diagnosis. That way you know you have the correct diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend an ankle brace or boot to better stabilize your foot. You should keep the brace on your foot and ankle at all times unless you are icing your injury or taking a bath.

How To Rehab Sprained Ankle – The Conclusion

One exercise is to sit in a chair with your injured foot and ankle slightly above the floor. Slowly bend it back as far as you can, holding that position a second or two. Subsequently, point your toes forward and stretch your ankle as far forward as you can. Do this about 5 or 10 times. You should also move your ankle as far to the left and right as possible, too. Also, take a towel and place it around the ball of your foot. Pull back on the towel as far as possible. You may experience slight pain, which is normal. Stop the exercise if the pain is moderate or greater. Next, try stretching your ankle on the edge of a step. Start with both legs, and then support yourself with just your injured leg. Lower your heel down and get a good stretch. You should eventually take walks on your ankle as it improves, as walking is one of the best exercises in how to rehab a sprained ankle.

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