Body Pain Tips Body Pain Tips - Human Body Parts Pain Sun, 20 Aug 2023 17:15:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Body Pain Tips 32 32 Tendonitis Getting Worse with Rest – Why and What to Do? Sun, 22 Jan 2023 20:28:07 +0000 Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, which is the fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone. Rest is typically

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Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, which is the fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone. Rest is typically recommended as a treatment for tendonitis, as it allows the inflamed tendon to heal.

However, in some cases, rest may not be enough to improve the condition and the tendonitis may continue to worsen. If this is the case, it is important to seek medical attention and consider other treatment options such as physical therapy, medication, or even surgery.

Why is my tendonitis getting worse?

There are a variety of reasons why tendonitis may be getting worse despite rest. Some possible causes include:

  1. Overuse: If you continue to engage in activities that put stress on the affected tendon, it may become more inflamed and worsen.
  2. Lack of proper rest: If you are not giving the affected area enough time to heal, it may continue to worsen.
  3. Improper healing: If the tendon is not healing properly, it may continue to be irritated and worsen.
  4. Structural issues: In some cases, tendonitis may be caused by structural issues such as misaligned bones or muscles, which may need to be corrected to improve the condition.
  5. Underlying medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, may make it more difficult for the body to heal from tendonitis.

It’s important to consult a medical professional to determine the root cause of your worsening tendonitis and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Tendonitis getting worse with rest, what to do?

If your tendonitis is getting worse with rest, it’s important to seek medical attention. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Consult a doctor: A medical professional can diagnose the condition and determine the cause of your worsening tendonitis. They can also recommend appropriate treatment options.
  2. Physical therapy: A physical therapist can teach you exercises and stretches to help improve the strength and flexibility of the affected area.
  3. Medication: Your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other medications to help reduce inflammation and pain.
  4. Rest and ice: Even if rest is not improving your condition, it’s still important to avoid activities that put stress on the affected tendon. Applying ice to the affected area can also help reduce inflammation and pain.
  5. Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or remove the damaged tendon.

It’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and to be patient as healing can take time. In some cases, it may take several months for the tendonitis to improve.

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How To Get Rid of Gas Pain – 7 Home Remedies Mon, 16 Nov 2020 18:17:52 +0000 Today we are going to be talking about farts. Hey, you in the back, stop snickering. This is a serious

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Today we are going to be talking about farts. Hey, you in the back, stop snickering. This is a serious business. People who suffer from gas pains aren’t amused by your shenanigans. We know that it can be debilitating and distracting. It can be quite painful and disorienting as well, to the point of nausea.

Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere, but it almost always can be traced to something you ate—something that might cause a blockage and inspire gut fermentation. Say for instance you ate an extra-large meat lover’s pizza by yourself in one sitting. That would probably do it. So too would eating a really big bowl of oatmeal or any fiber-rich food that you aren’t accustomed to.

There are also illnesses and allergies that can cause extraordinary flatulence accompanied by gas pains. If the condition continues unabated, even when you start to adjust your diet, you should really talk to a doctor.

Gas Pain Symptoms & Causes

The pain is caused by a buildup of gas that has been blocked from taking its normal path out of your body. It could be constipation and it could just be the way you’re sitting. Think about what you can do to encourage normal bowel health: More water, more exercise, more regular fiber, less red meat, and fewer trips to the drive-through would all be a good start. And remember, if you feel one coming on, just let ‘er rip—if it’s not socially awkward, that is.

One of the big causes of gas is sugars, such as lactose, that move beyond the stomach without being broken down by enzymes. Once in the gut, they start to ferment and create all kinds of gas. Yogurt with active cultures can help to repopulate our systems with good flora and fauna, especially those of us who are lactose intolerant.

Gas Pain Relief

Exercise more. Everyone should know by now that exercise can help to improve many facets of your life. Standing upright helps to keep your guts oriented properly and up-and-down motions can help work out some of those gas pains. This is especially true if you spend most of your day sitting. Get up and go for a 30-minute walk. Things will work themselves out.

Peppermint. You will very often see peppermint (Mentha piperita) recommended as a natural cure for gas problems. There have been studies that showed an effectiveness rate of 75 percent in treating people with gas pains and other intestinal distress. In that case they were using peppermint oil inside of slow-release tablets. But a cuppa peppermint tea might be just the thing you need.

Monitoring your diet can help to deduce the cause of your gas pains. It’s elementary: eliminate all other factors and the one that remains must be the truth. I don’t mean to go all Sherlock Holmes on you, but really, you should know by now what kinds of food inspire gas in your body. The way to do it properly is to keep a food diary and make notes on your gas pains. Some common gas-causing foods include: legumes (such as beans), crucifers (such as cabbage), alliums (such as onion), grains (like oats), and dairy products. However, it isn’t always the variety of food that causes gas. It can also be the quantity of food, how greasy it is, how quickly you eat it, and how much air you swallow as you eat.

Fiber is an important part of our diets and balancing fiber intake can help get rid of gas. When I was first working on improving my diet I had heard about the cholesterol lowering abilities of oatmeal. So naturally I wanted to incorporate more oatmeal into my diet. I made a mistake in assuming more was better. Just so you know, overloading on oatmeal will cause you to swell up like a balloon (or at least it did me), and it was extremely painful. The problem of course was that I was overloading my system with more fiber and carbs than it could digest. This means they moved into my guts and were literally fermented, like some evil witch’s brew. Finding a balance of fiber that promotes regularity, but doesn’t overload things, is something you will have to do through trial and error.

Lactose intolerance is a common cause of gas pains. As many as three-quarters of all adults develop some kind of intolerance to dairy products as they age. Some of us can never tolerate it. I never really liked milk and in high school I worked at a dairy farm and decided never to drink milk again. I still enjoy milk products like butter and cheese, but they plug me up and give me gas pains. I am fairly certain that I have a certain level of lactose intolerance. It is pretty rare for Northern European types, like myself, to be this way. Whereas in geographical areas where dairy wasn’t as commonly consumed, such as Africa and Asia, the levels are almost 100 percent. There are options that make life more bearable: lactose-free milk, lactase milk, and active culture yogurt.

Wheat allergies can also cause intestinal discomfort. This is a widespread problem that I didn’t know about until quite recently. In the late nineties, I started working in kitchens and bakeries and discovered that a lot of people cannot eat wheat gluten and other grains in general. When you start looking into it, wheat is in a lot of things. This makes controlling symptoms brought on by consuming grain (like gas pains) a real challenge. I learned how to make gluten-free bread from tapioca flour, and I was always conscious of how I thickened my sauces. If you suspect that you have this problem, talk to your physician about testing your intolerance. Look online for gluten-free recipes and products. It’s a growing industry trying to accommodate a growing problem.

Gas-related medications and supplements might be a good option for reducing gas pains. There are a couple of common over-the-counter medications out there that can help to cut down gas problems. Bean-O is probably the most well-known. It contains an enzyme called alpha-glactosidase, which when taken with foods that cause gas, like legumes and cabbage, can help to break down the carbohydrates. Another common medication is called Gas-X. It contains an anti-foaming agent called simethicone, which helps to reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles within our intestinal tract. By reducing the surface tension, the gas is less likely to collect in one area and become painful. Both of these medications have limitations and adjusting your diet is still a good idea.

Gas Pains & Medical Intervention

As with any common malady that has become chronic or has worsened with time, there is always a possibility that gas pains are a sign or symptom of a larger condition, like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease. You shouldn’t have to just grin and bear it. If your problem hasn’t started to improve after dietary changes, then it is very possible that there is more going on than meets the eye. A doctor will have the tools necessary to diagnose any larger problem and tell you how to treat it properly.

Image source: Medical news today

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How to Get Rid of Vitiligo – 6 Home Remedies Fri, 13 Nov 2020 22:29:28 +0000 The color of our skin, whether it is dark or light, is a result of the amount of the pigment

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The color of our skin, whether it is dark or light, is a result of the amount of the pigment called melanin that we have in our skin cells. When pigment cells are destroyed, the skin ends up developing white spots on the skin. This condition is known as vitiligo and affects many people across the globe. This condition can happen to anyone but is more common and visible in people with darker skin shades.

For those with dark skin that have vitiligo, you know how upsetting this condition can be. The skin on the face, neck, and other parts of the body becomes discolored and looks almost diseased. It causes a huge decrease in self-confidence and can make people feel extremely timid to go out in public.

Vitiligo doesn’t have to be so serious and can be easily treated with some natural home remedies. Knowing the different symptoms and causes of vitiligo will help you determine your case and know exactly what method will work the best for you to get rid of vitiligo and give you back the self-confidence you deserve.

Symptoms of Vitiligo

  • Patches of De-Pigmentation on the Skin
  • Changes of Color in the Retina
  • Premature Grey Hair
  • Loss of Color Inside the Mouth

Causes of Vitiligo

  • Vitiligo is not really caused by anything. It is actually an auto-immune problem that works by attacking the pigment of the skin.
  • Heredity may play a huge factor in developing this condition, and people with a history of connective tissue or endocrine diseases will often see this condition rear its ugly head.
  • In some cases, severe cases of stress will bring on vitiligo. Those that have thyroid issues may also be more prone to developing vitiligo in their lifetime.

Best Home Remedies for Vitiligo

While this condition may look like it would be difficult to treat, it is actually quite easy to get rid of with some easy home remedies. Getting rid of vitiligo when it is first noticed is highly recommended as this condition can easily spread to other parts of the body. If you’ve got a case of vitiligo, trying some of the following home remedies can be tried to get rid of your condition and keep it from affecting other parts of the skin.

Proper Diet

We truly are what we eat, and introducing the right kinds of foods into your diet will help considerably when you are dealing with de-pigmentation of the skin. Vitiligo can be caused by a poor diet and by taking the proper measures and introducing the right foods to your system; you can greatly reduce your condition. Some foods to add to your diet immediately include ginger, garlic, green tea, black pepper, and olive oil. Figuring out ways to incorporate these foods into part of your everyday food intake will help considerably with your symptoms.

Ginkgo Biloba Paste

This ancient Chinese herb has been used for centuries to help with a variety of different health issues. Most commonly known for its stimulating effects on the mind, ginkgo biloba helps to slow down the progression of pigment loss in the skin. When you make a paste from ginkgo biloba powder and water, you will notice the white patches on your skin begin to fade considerably. To use this remedy, make a paste from the powder and water and apply it to the affected areas. Leave this on for at least thirty minutes and then rinse with warm water. Using this method a few times a week will help to re-pigment white patches and give you skin back its natural color.

Turmeric and Mustard Oil

This method will help you see results in as little as two weeks’ time! All that is needed is two tablespoons of turmeric powder mixed with enough mustard oil to make a fine paste. This paste should be applied to the areas you wish to treat and left on for at least twenty minutes. It can then be rinsed off with warm water. If you do this two times each day you will see a noticeable difference in the pigment of your skin in fifteen to twenty days.

Ayurveda Recipe

Ayurveda medicine has been practiced in India for thousands of years and is known to be one of the most beneficial ways to take care of the body. Introducing certain foods from this ancient practice will help you to naturally get rid of vitiligo. The following should be taken every day for forty days to see results in the pigment change of your skin.

You must eliminate all meat products from your diet and adhere to a strictly vegetarian diet. Consuming about six raw cucumbers every day along with your vegetarian diet will work wonders. To make this diet the most effective for your condition, three beetle leaves taken three times a day with the cucumber will provide the results you’re looking for.

Water from a Copper Cup

While this method will not provide results for some time, it does work and can be added along to any of the other home remedies to help treat vitiligo. Water that is stored in a copper cup or vessel will help to give your body the minerals it needs to treat this unattractive condition.

The water must be stored in the container for a long period of time to get the best results. It helps to increase the production of melanin and give your skin back its natural color. This remedy should not be considered one that will work fast and should be used with other methods to see the best results.

Sweet Basil

Sweet basil extract mixed with lemon juice will give you results in about five months. The juice from about six lemons is needed for this method and should be combined with a few teaspoons of sweet basil extract. This mixture should be applied to the affected areas on the skin and left for at least fifteen minutes. Rinse off with warm water and repeat every day for five or six months, and you will see a noticeable difference in the pigment of your skin.

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Kidney Pain in the Morning: Causes, Treatment, and Remedies Tue, 03 Nov 2020 19:58:23 +0000 If there is some problem with your kidneys, their work may be disturbed and you can feel pain in your

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If there is some problem with your kidneys, their work may be disturbed and you can feel pain in your kidney area. You may feel it only in the morning or in other parts of the day too. However, because of the kidney’s location, the pain is often mistaken for backache.

Read on and find out how to tell the difference between your back pain and kidney pain. Learn what the most common causes of kidney pain in the morning are and how you can get rid of it with the use of simple, home remedies, and when it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Kidney Pain vs. Back Pain – How to Tell the Difference

The location of back pain and kidney pain is very similar as you usually feel it in the area of your buttocks and lower back. However, the pain is caused by completely different factors as back pain is usually caused by an injury, fracture, or disc herniation while kidney pain is usually caused by a kidney infection, kidney stones, or some other kidney disease.

The location of the kidney pain and back pain is very similar and because of that, you need to have a closer look at the accompanying symptoms if you want to know if this is your kidney or back that hurts. In case of the back pain, it often radiates to your hips or even knees, it may be followed by a recent back injury. The pain is usually more persistent or it occurs when you perform certain movements. You may also experience numbness in your anus, buttock, or genitals area, or you may have incidents of urinary or fecal incontinence.

Kidney pain, on the other hand, is often accompanied by such symptoms as fever, frequent and painful urination, you may vomit, or have nausea. You may also experience diarrhea or constipation, notice blood in your urine, you can feel dizzy, have chills, fatigue, or rash. Depending on the cause of the kidney pain, it is sometimes very strong, it may also radiate to your upper back.

Read: Lower Back Pain Could It Be My Kidneys ?!

Kidney Pain in the Morning – Most Common Causes

Kidney pain cannot be ignored as it may be the symptom of a more serious condition. In most cases, kidney disorders are the consequence of an untreated infection of the urinary tract. Have a look at the most common causes of kidney pain in the morning and other parts of the day.

1.     Kidney Infection

When some bacteria enter your urinary tract, a condition known as pyelonephritis develops. In most cases, it is the result of a urinary tract infection, which was ignored or left untreated for too long. However, other symptoms, such as nerve problems, kidney stones, or diabetes, may also end up with a kidney infection.

The most common symptoms of a kidney infection include urination difficulties, often with the presence of blood, flank pain in your lower back and buttocks, vomiting, nausea, and shaking chills.

2.     Kidney Stones

Other terms for kidney stones are nephrolithiasis or renal lithalsas. Kidney stones may be described as hard deposits, which are made up of salts and minerals which accumulate in your renal system. The stones may form in any part of your urinary tract system, from kidneys to the bladder. The best treatment for kidney stones is passing them. However, it is not always so easy as everything depends on the size of your kidneys. If they are small, simply drinking a lot of water may help you get rid of them. However, when the kidney stones are bigger, shockwave therapy might be necessary to break the stones down so that they are easier to pass.

Pain that results from kidney stones is extremely severe, it affects your lower back area, but it often spreads to other body parts too. Other symptoms include frequent urge to urinate with passing little or no urine, presence of blood in your urine, fever, chills, and fatigue. Kidney stones always require a medical consultation as if they are left untreated for too long, they may be potentially life-threatening.

3.     Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infections are very common and they may affect any part of your urinary system. The most common are infections of the bladder and urethra. Females develop a urinary tract infection much more frequently than males. The reason for that is that women have a shorter urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach urinary structures.

The main symptoms of a urinary tract infection include the feeling of burning while urinating, the presence of blood in the urine, and flank pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower part of the back. A urinary tract infection should never be left untreated as it may lead to serious complications then.

4.     Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is actually one of the most common kinds of cancer around the world. It is a serious disease, which is potentially life-threatening if not diagnosed at an early stage. Kidney cancer usually develops in two parts of this organ, which are the renal pelvis and renal tube. As in the case of any other type of cancer, it is caused by the uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells that are cancerous.

Additionally, as in the case of any other cancer, the success of the treatment depends on the stage in which the disease was diagnosed. The earlier it is detected, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

Treatment to Kidney Pain in the Morning

In the next section, you will read about the best home remedies for kidney problems. However, it must be clear for you that you can follow them only if your doctor ruled out any serious kidney problems. Home remedies may also be a wonderful supplementation of medical treatment too. Nevertheless, you need to contact a doctor if you suffer from any pain in your kidney area.

The problem with kidney diseases is that they often do not cause any alarming symptoms for a long time and that is why it is extremely important to consult every abnormality with a doctor and to go to regular check-ups even if you do not experience any worrying symptoms. Simple blood and urine tests are done once or twice a year may prevent very serious health problems.

The infections of the urinary tract often require medical therapy with antibiotics or with other prescribed medications. If kidney pain is caused by a more serious disease, such as kidney cancer, surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy might be the solutions.

Kidney Pain in the Morning – Best Home Remedies

If you suffer from kidney pain in the morning, you should consult a doctor. However, if he ruled out any serious medical disorders, you can try simple, yet effective home remedies to urinary tract issues. Also, if your doctor prescribed you any medicines, ask him if you can combine medical therapy with home solutions for a faster recovery and better effects.

1.     Plenty of Water

It is probably the easiest and the most effective natural treatment you can follow. If you want your urinary tract to function well, you need to drink a lot of water on a daily basis. This way you will flush all the harmful toxins and bacteria from your body. What’s more, it also prevents kidney stones formation.

The recommended amount of water is about eight glasses a day. However, you need to treat the matter individually as for some people five or six glasses of water are enough to stay well-hydrated. You drink enough mineral water if you urinate frequently and your urine has a pale yellow color. Therefore, always keep a small bottle of water close to you and drink it throughout the day.

2.     Fresh Lemon Juice

The acid which you can find in lemons and other citrus fruit can fantastically detoxify your body and dissolve the kidney stones. Therefore, a great idea is to start your day with a glass of mineral water mixed with juice freshly squeezed from a lemon.

This simple method will generally improve the functioning of your urine system and digestive system. You can also continue to drink the mixture throughout your day. Thanks to this remedy you will get rid of any urinary tract infection more quickly.

3.     Prepare a Mustard Plaster

This method you can use externally as you apply a mustard plaster directly on the painful area. You need to gather some mustard powder, some flour, some water or an egg white, and Vaseline. First, mix the water with flour and then add the water or egg whites so that all the ingredients form a thin paste, but make sure it is not watery.

Now, start with spreading Vaseline over the painful body area and then apply on it the mustard paste. Leave it for a maximum of thirty minutes, but if you feel burning or irritation wash it off earlier. The mustard powder applied to the painful body area will warm you up and reduce the pain. You can use this method in case of kidney pain or back pain.

4.     Drink Dandelion Tea

Dandelion tea is a natural diuretic and because of that, it is highly recommended to people who often deal with urinary tract infections. It can also be useful if you suffer from kidney pain in the morning. Dandelion tea will make you urinate more frequently so you will release more toxins and bacteria from your urinary tract.

Additionally, dandelion tea improves the circulation of blood, which may also help you keep your kidneys healthy. Drink freshly brewed dandelion tea three times a day for the best results.

5.     Cabbage Leaves

Cabbage leaves are believed to remove the toxins out from your organism and therefore it is recommended to apply them directly to the painful body area. If you want the cabbage leaves to be the most effective, you should prepare a warm compress. In order to that, you need to gather cabbage leaves, some water, bran, onions, and gauze.

Chop the onions and place them in a pot with all the other ingredients. Boil the mixture until the water evaporates completely, which should take you about twenty minutes. Place the mixture on the prepared gauze and when it is still very warm apply it to the painful kidneys. You can keep it for a few hours or you can even leave it overnight.

6.     Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is extremely healthy as it is packed with all the important minerals and vitamins. Various scientific studies have shown that it can also help get rid of various infections and reduce pain. Of course, the most nutritious tomato juice will be the one which you will prepare at home.

Use organic tomatoes from a reliable source to prepare the juice. Peel the tomatoes and blend them. If it is too thick, you may add some water to it. Do not add any sugar, though, but if it is too plain for you, add to it a pinch of salt. Drink two glasses of the juice a day.

7.     Use Parsley

Parsley is another natural diuretic, which will make you pee more frequently and eliminate the toxins out of your urine tract. Moreover, parsley is packed with all the important vitamins and minerals. For example, it is a great source of vitamin C, which is necessary if you want to fight the infection more quickly.

You can use parsley in various ways to treat kidney pain in the morning. For instance, you can drink parsley juice or prepare parsley tea. You can also prepare a paste out of parsley leaves and apply them directly to the painful body area.

8.     Watermelon Seed Tea

Watermelon seed tea is also a wonderful and natural diuretic, which will help you detoxify your organism. By drinking the tea you will eliminate all the harmful bacteria and toxins out of your urinary tract. Watermelon seed tea will generally improve the functioning of your kidneys so it is worth drinking it even three times a day.

9.     Kidney Beans

Consuming kidney beans is reported to be an effective home remedy for kidney pain in the morning. In order to use this method, you need to boil some beans on a low flame until they get soft. Strain the liquid and wait until it cools down. Drink the liquid throughout your day to eliminate a kidney infection and pain more easily.

10.  Celery Juice

Celery juice is another wonderful home remedy to kidney pain in the morning. It is a powerful solution due to the antiseptic qualities of celery. It can help you treat a kidney infection by eliminating the toxins from your urinary tract. What’s more, celery juice may also break down kidney stones.

How to Prevent Kidney Pain in the Future

In most cases, kidney pain is caused by some urinary tract infections. Some individuals, mainly women, develop a urinary tract infection frequently. If this is also your case, there are some preventive measures which you should follow.

The key rule for you is to stay well-hydrated as it is the most natural and the easiest way to make your urine more frequently, which flushes the toxins and bacteria out of your organism. Thus, you should drink about eight glasses of water a day. Apart from the water you can also drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices or tea, but it is important that they are unsweetened. Still, however, mineral water should be your number one.

Secondly, if you have a tendency to developing a urinary tract infection, you need to have good hygiene routines. For example, if you feel that you need to pee, do not hold it, but just stop what you are doing and go to the toilet. Holding your urine can lead to the accumulation of bacteria, which are responsible for urinary tract infections.

Additionally, remember to wipe front to back after a bowel movement. It is especially important for women to remember that. When you wipe back to front, you spread the bacteria from your rectum into your urethra. Also, when you wash our vagina and anus area, be gentle, do not scrub, and do not use any harsh soap. Water itself will be enough to keep these areas clean. Optionally, you can choose mild soap created for your intimate areas only.

If you often get a urinary tract infection, you should rather take showers than baths as spending some time in hot water can make your urinary tract more vulnerable to infections. Also, do not use all these scented hygiene products or scented deodorants near your genitals. Do not forget about emptying your bladder after sexual intercourse too.

Your diet matters too when it comes to eliminating and preventing kidney problems. Therefore, reduce the consumption of red meat and make sure your diet is low in cholesterol. Fatty, salty, and over-processed foods have a bad influence on your kidneys and they can disturb their proper functioning. Generally, fresh vegetables and fruits should always be the foundation of your diet.

Do not eat meat every day, but consume vegetarian dishes a few times a week too. Fish is a great option as well because they contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Food rich in fiber is crucial too as it guarantees you proper functioning of your digestive system. At the same time avoid unhealthy foods, such as fizzy drinks and sweets.

Alcohol is a very bad idea when you deal with urinary tract problems as it increases inflammation and the accumulation of bacteria and toxins. Therefore, limit drinking alcohol to special occasions only. Another bad habit is smoking cigarettes as nicotine has a very bad influence on your whole organism. Nowadays, there are various ways of quitting smoking, just ask your doctor about them.

Interestingly, physical exercises are important too, and can be helpful when it comes to preventing kidney problems. If you do some sporting activity regularly, you improve your blood circulation and your brain gets more oxygen. As a result, the whole of your organism functions better. Choose an activity that you like the most and be persistent.

Various studies have shown that it is better to exercise every day for thirty minutes than work out once or twice a day for even two hours. You may combine different sporting activities so that not to get bored too quickly. For example, you may go jogging, go for a swim, ride a bike, or work out at the gym. If you have not done any sporting activity before, start with simple things, such as going for a walk or using stairs instead of an elevator.

In the case of chronic or frequent urination problems, apart from the home remedies described in the previous section, you should also go for natural supplements. The most common and effective one will be consuming cranberries. They improve the functioning of the urinary system and are often recommended by doctors. You can either choose cranberry juice, fresh or dried cranberries, or supplements with cranberry extract. If you want to consume the juice or dried cranberries, make sure that you buy the ones which do not contain sugar or other additives.

As you can see there are plenty of methods that you can try at home to eliminate or prevent kidney pain in the morning or other urinary tract issues. You need to remember, though, that no home remedy will replace a visit at a doctor’s. Only if he recommends you such home solutions, you can safely use them. As kidneys disorders often do not cause any clear symptoms, it is extremely important to check every abnormality which worries you. It is the only way to prevent more serious kidney diseases or complications in the future.

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Learn How Yoga Helps With Back Pain Thu, 29 Oct 2020 19:29:09 +0000 I’m sure you’ve heard of the many health benefits of yoga as a form of exercise and relaxation. Yoga improves

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I’m sure you’ve heard of the many health benefits of yoga as a form of exercise and relaxation. Yoga improves flexibility, helps with strength and posture, promotes healthy breathing and circulation, helps you to create balance in your body, and reduces stress. And there are ways yoga helps with back pain as well.

Did you know that if you are a chronic back pain sufferer that it is recommended that you implement a regular yoga program in your life? It is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your back pain, and quite possibly the most beneficial exercise you can perform to help with your pain.

Studies Show Yoga Helps with Back Pain

There have been many studies done on how yoga helps with back pain. What did they find? That a regular yoga practice has amazing impacts for chronic back pain sufferers. Most study participants experienced significant decreases in their pain levels and intensity, as well as increased mobility and functioning ability. They also found that many times the need for pain medicine was greatly reduced or even eliminated when a regular yoga routine was implemented.

Ways Yoga Helps with Back Pain

Yoga has been proven time and time again to significantly help with back pain, even chronic back pain. Here are some reasons why yoga helps with back pain – so much to relieve even major back pain.

  1. Improves Flexibility – Yoga improves flexibility. Increasing flexibility and decreasing stiffness in your muscles can both help to decrease back pain.
  2. Perfects Posture – Poor posture can intensify, or even create back problems. Good posture can help to realign improper position in your body, improve functioning, and decrease pain levels.
  3. Builds Strength – When you have back pain, it is hard to do exercises that will strengthen your back and muscles, because most of these exercises are too painful to perform. But for many people, these exercises are exactly what they need to help their back regain the strength it needs. So yoga is the perfect answer! Even people with very serious back pain can do yoga. Anyone can start at their own level and work their way up as their strength and flexibility improves. Yoga is a great way for back pain sufferers to increase their strength and decrease their pain greatly.
  4. Promotes Relaxation – Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Stress wreaks havoc on a person’s body, greatly magnifying many health concerns, including pain. Yoga is a great stress-reducing activity. By reducing stress, yoga can help to promote all areas of physical and emotional health. By eliminating stress, yoga can help to reduce pain levels. Yoga also promotes relaxation. This helps to teach healthy breathing techniques, and increase circulation. These can also have great impacts on decreasing a person’s pain levels.


If you are looking for a simple, inexpensive, and natural, but very effective way to help reduce your back pain, you’ve found it! Yoga strengthens your muscles, improves your posture, increases your flexibility, and promotes relaxation. All of these things can greatly reduce your levels of pain, and help you to reduce or even eliminate your dependency on harmful painkillers. So sign up for a yoga class or buy a few yoga DVDs and watch your pain melt away!

Be so kind and share this article on how yoga helps with back pain – your friends will appreciate the knowledge.

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7 Effective Ways To Relieve Splitting Headaches After Crying Sat, 24 Oct 2020 21:19:21 +0000 Tears are a combination of mucus, oil, and water coming out of tear ducts in your eyes. Whenever you cry,

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Tears are a combination of mucus, oil, and water coming out of tear ducts in your eyes. Whenever you cry, these tears make their way through the sides of your eyelids. They even go through the nasal cavity, which explains why you also have a runny nose for every bout of crying.

Have you ever wondered why your head starts to ache right after you cry? You’re not alone because other people experience it as well. You might be wondering why do you get headaches after crying. Fortunately, medical experts have found out a few root causes.

Why Do You Get A Splitting Headache After Crying?

  • Stress hormones – One of the root causes of headache are your hormones. Whether you cry due to tension, stress, or sadness, you release stress hormones from your body, and they usually cause migraines or light headaches.
  • Dehydration – The second root cause is dehydration when you lose too much water from your body due to crying. The tears that flow down from your eyes contain water, which means you also lose a little amount of water during your emotional moment.
  • Sinus Problems – Since tears travel through the nasal cavity, intense crying often results to a throbbing pain between the eyes that lead to headaches.

How To Relieve Splitting Headaches After Crying

Whether you cry due to your emotions or stress, you will start to experience the headache by feeling a dull sense of pain. Then, you will experience pressure around your head as well as your forehead. You will also notice that when you cried longer than usual, you will also feel aches on your neck, scalp, and shoulders. Lastly, dizziness follows when the crying becomes too intense, and dizziness comes in as your headaches worsen.

Headaches should not be taken for granted even if it’s caused by crying. If not treated properly, it can lead to other complications on your body such as stomach pains, nausea, vision blurs, and ulcers. It can also affect your performance at work or in school as headaches from crying distract you. It’s best to relieve your headaches the moment you stop crying.

You can choose to wait for the headache to pass, but it’s not a guarantee that it will go away. There are a number of simple ways to effectively relieve headaches after crying and most methods don’t require consultation from a doctor. With that, here are the following methods to relieve headaches after crying.

Rehydrate your body

As one of the root causes of headache is dehydration, drinking liquids is another way to relieve headaches after crying.

By drinking water, juice, or any other beverage, you replenish your body and you calm down the stress levels that brought you to crying in the first place.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages though, because it only dehydrates you more and makes your headache even worse.

Take a needed amount of rest

There is truth to the words “cry me to sleep” as you need to take some rest to relieve headaches after crying. You can sleep it off as you go to bed or you can take a short nap; either way, resting your mind (and your eyes) for a short time soothe your nerves and soothe your head. Just give yourself a few hours of sleep and you’ll feel better the moment you wake up.


You can also take time to meditate in order to relieve headaches after crying. To do this, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then perform simple breathing exercises by deep inhales before exhales. You can also perform yoga as a way to meditate your body and relieve your headaches.

Eat comfort food

You may have a tendency to eat after a bout of crying, hence the term “emotional eating”. On the other hand, headaches can sometimes be solved by simply eating any food. With that, you can feast on so-called comfort foods or snacks and meals that you eat in order to relieve headaches after crying.

To begin with, chocolate is one of these comfort food that helps because this sweet snack releases endorphins that give you a good feeling. Pasta is also an example of comfort food that helps relieve headaches after crying.

Take light exercise

As soon as you’re done crying, you can relieve those headaches by doing some light exercises. One example is a leisurely stroll to wherever you want to go, whether around the park or to your favorite grocery store. Walking calms your mind because it diverts your attention away from the source that triggered your crying.

Another example of relieving headaches is by light dancing. This exercise can take away the headache by also relieving your nerves and diverting your mind’s attention away from the triggers. However, don’t go overboard and perform intense body movements as they won’t help relieve the throbbing pain.

Playing puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles, tangrams, and other brain-teaser puzzles also help you relieve headaches after crying because they primarily divert your attention from the pain and make you focus on the games. Plus, the fun factor and the challenge from these games also alleviate stress, as well as give you a chance to regain your composure after crying.

Take pain-relieving medicine (if nothing else helps)

Over-the-counter analgesics such as ibuprofen and paracetamol help relieve headaches after crying. These pain-relievers are recommended for people suffering from headaches and migraines due to stress, and they can also relieve aches due to crying. One tablet or capsule is enough to relieve the pain and nothing more. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking any medication.

These are the various ways to relieve headaches after crying, but in case the headache persists it is best that you consult your physician so you can get prescription medication for your persistent headaches.

Crying is a normal human emotional reaction, however, if it results in you feeling like your head is split in two afterward then you should take the necessary steps to prevent this from happening again.

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How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear? Fri, 23 Oct 2020 12:24:13 +0000 People who love to swim always suffer from water in ears but it can be easily get rid of by

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People who love to swim always suffer from water in ears but it can be easily get rid of by applying a water ear remedy. When swimming, using earplugs will keep water from entering into the ears but there are instances that you will lose your earplugs while jumping into the pool and cause pain due to water in the ear. Water in the ear is painful because the water in the swimming pool contains chemicals and germs.

The symptoms of water in the ear are pain and itching in ears, heavy feeling in the ears, and lessened hearing. You might also feel a sudden sharp pain, a discharge that is milky colored, and inflammation of the ear and lymph nodes. In some instances, a buzzing sound can be heard and the skin of your ear may start looking sore and flaky.

Water Ear Remedy

Below are the various water ear remedies you can follow to stop suffering the condition.

  • Gravity and Jumping – A commonly used and proven effective water ear remedy when you have got water in your ears recently. This is mostly seen being used in swimming pools. Stand up on your right leg and slant your head to the right side. Jump for eight times. The gravity and the jumping that you do will let the water out from your ear. Do the same steps on the left side.
  • Alcohol – This one is among the best ear infection remedy that uses water for the treatment which is alcohol. Rub some alcohol inside your ear. This will promote evaporation of the water inside and also kills the germs that bring the infection.
  • Slant your head to one side and put your index finger in the ear, wiggling it. This will enable the water to come out of it. Do the same procedure to the other ear.
  • Hairdryer – Get a hairdryer and put it at the lowest temperature. Check the warmness of the air by heating on your wrist. Hold the dryer at an arm’s length and blow on the affected ear for about thirty seconds.
  • You can also buy over-the-counter ear drops for water in the ear. Understand the instructions on how to apply it written on its label. Using ear drops will reduce the infection that is caused by water in the ear after swimming.
  • Prepare a salt and water solution, one-fourth teaspoon, and one cup of water. See to it that the solution is just at body temperature. Flush out your ear with the saline solution by using a bulb syringe.
  • One also of the various water ear remedy is using heating pads. Put a heating pad in your ear but make sure that between them is a folded hand towel. Do not stay on the heating pad for long in your ear for your ear might get burned.
  • Crush a few cloves of garlic. Put the garlic in a pan and add a little amount of olive oil. Heat the mixture but do not boil it. Then, strain the mixture and let it cool down. Put a few drops to your ear. Garlic has antibiotic property and olive oil has a healing ability. This will get rid of the infection in the ear.

Remove Water from Ear

Knowing how to remove water from the ear is very important especially when water is stuck in your ear. When this happens, you will experience difficulty in hearing and this might even lead to loss of hearing. Removing water from the ear is definitely helpful and useful. Here are some tips on how you can remove water from the ear.

Ways How to Remove Water from Ear

You can remove water from the ear by simply performing the jumping bean method. You can do this by tilting your ear downward and hitting your head to let the water flow down the ear. If the water is still stuck inside, you should jump endlessly until the water is totally removed from the ear. This is one of the classic procedures on how to remove water from the ear.

Get rid of water from the ear by putting drops of water into the ear! Well, this might sound wrong but this one really works. Get an eyedropper and fill it with clean water. Tilt the affected ear upward and put drops of water into the ear. Let it stay for five seconds then quickly flip your head down so that the affected ear is facing down. Let the water drip out of the ear. Repeat the said procedure until the water removed out of the ear.

A mixture of alcohol and vinegar can definitely remove water from the ear. Use an eyedropper to put three to five drops of alcohol and vinegar mixture into the affected ear. Wait until the mixture will dry up the water inside your ear.

To remove water from ear, sleep with the affected ear facing the pillow. In a couple of minutes, gravity will help pull out water from your ear.

You can also use a hairdryer to remove water from the ear. This is definitely a very effective method to solve your problem. Simply turn on the hairdryer and set it in its lowest setting. Place the hair dryer near your ear to dry out water inside it. Make sure not to place the hairdryer too close to avoid ear irritation and to prevent yourself from getting burned.

There are over-the-counter antiseptic eardrops you can use to remove water from the ear. Simply tilt the affected ear upward then put three to five drops into the ear. Let it stay for three to five seconds then tilt the affected ear downward and let water drip out of the ear.

If you have cash, then of course you can go to a doctor to help remove water from the ear. Doctors are experienced in these procedures and they can help you in no time. It would also be good to visit your doctor to see if there are any ear infections. Unlike the other methods, going to a doctor isn’t free. You have to be prepared for the cost.

There you go, the different methods of how to remove water from ear fast and safe. Next time water gets stuck in your ear, you already know what to do. Make sure to keep in mind all these tips on how to remove water from the ear and keep your ear away from infection.

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13 Ways For Easing Neck Pain In The Right Side Of The Neck Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:14:56 +0000 Find out what are the main causes of neck pain in the right side of the neck, and how to

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Find out what are the main causes of neck pain in the right side of the neck, and how to find relief if neck pain in the right side of the neck is experienced?

Neck pain on the right side of the neck is a fairly common problem experienced by many people all over the world. The common misconception is that it is only caused by improper posture or the common stiff neck.

However, neck pain on the right side of the neck may actually be caused by a different disease. If this is the case, immediate medical attention is needed. Having this type of chronic pain can affect any person’s quality of life and daily activities.

There are several reasons why most people experience or suffer from neck pain on the right side of the neck. It is best to know why and what causes that pain to prevent it from becoming chronic. It is always necessary to address the root cause of the neck pain to make sure that bigger health problems can be avoided.

What Causes Neck Pain in The Right Side of the Neck?

There could be many reasons for experiencing neck pain on the right side of the neck. It may vary from simple posture issues to different types of diseases.

NB! It is important to remember that the real answer and final diagnosis can only be given during live appointment with a doctor.

Poor posture

Poor posture is one of the major reasons why people commonly experience neck pain on the right side of the neck. This can be experienced on any part of the neck. It is also very common for people who work in the office as they are prone to sitting for numerous hours a day. Most of the time, a person who does not sit properly while typing or writing experiences this pain. It is also common for people who hold their phones in between their neck and chin during a conversation. When this becomes a habit, it is easy to get neck pain on the right side of the neck.

Lifting heavy items or carrying heavy backpacks and shoulder bags

Carrying heavy backpacks or shoulder bags may cause pain in the neck. This is because there are a lot of nerves found on the shoulder and on the neck. These nerves are stressed whenever heavy lifting is done.

Emotional stress

Anxiety and emotional stress can cause physical pain. This is because it affects the nerves and primary muscles in the spine, neck, and shoulder. Stress makes an individual tense and this unusual activity of the muscle causes pain.

Fall or accident trauma

People who were involved in car accidents or falls may experience pain in the neck. This is also known as a whiplash injury. The ligaments, connective tissue, and supporting muscles are damaged after an abrupt movement of the head. This unexpected movement may be backward, forward, or sideways.

Neck arthritis

Neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis are physical ailments that happen when the cartilage protecting the joint breaks down. If this happens, those cartilages will not be able to allow smooth movement between bones. The joint swells up and becomes painful.

Pinched nerve

This occurs when there is too much pressure applied to tissues that surround a nerve. It may happen to tissues located in the bones, cartilages, tendons, or muscles. When there is too much pressure, the nerve is unable to function properly. It causes tingling, numbness, weakness, and most of all neck pain. This is common on the right side of the neck as 90% of the worldwide population is right-handed. Hence, a pinched nerve mostly creates neck pain on the right side of the neck.

Cervical herniated disc

When the inner core of a disc in the neck leaks out of its disc or herniates, it usually presses on the adjacent nerve root. A cervical herniated disc usually happens when a person has had a neck injury or trauma. There is also a chance that this may happen spontaneously especially to people between 30 to 50 years old. When a person has a cervical herniated disc, symptoms such as tingling, and numbness appears. It is accompanied by arm pain and neck pain. There are times that there is also significant weakness in the muscles.

Cervical degenerative disc disease

Cervical discs allow the neck to bend forward to back. It also allows it to bend forward to back effortlessly. The cervical discs separate the vertebrae and stabilize it. It also functions as the shock absorber of the neck. People around 40 to 60 years old often have a cervical degenerative disease. It is because the cervical discs degrade over time.  When a person acquires this condition, the neck becomes very stiff causing it to be less flexible. This causes chronic neck pain that is usually felt by the end of the day.

Tumors or cysts

Cysts or tumors can be acquired by anyone no matter what age group they belong to. Common symptoms of spinal tumors are extreme pain in the neck or back. It may include numbness or weakness in the arms or legs.


Meningitis is an infection that affects the meninges. These are the delicate membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. There are viral, bacterial, and fungal types of meningitis. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, headache, limb pain, stiff neck, and extreme pain in the neck.


This is a condition that causes pain throughout the body as it affects the muscles. The pain is most significant in the shoulder and neck region.

Read: How To Know If You Have Fibromyalgia


Osteoporosis is common to age women. This disease causes the bones to weaken which leads to small fractions. It mostly happens to the hands or the knees, but it may also affect the neck that will definitely cause severe pain.

Heart attack

Neck pain may be a sign of a pending heart attack. Take note that there are other symptoms that appear if this is the case. It may be nausea, vomiting, arm or jaw pain, sweating, and shortness of breath.

How to Relieve Neck Pain on the Right Side of the Neck?

There are several ways to relieve neck pain on the right side of the neck. There are many over-the-counter medications available for this ailment. However, there are also other home remedies that can be done should medications be unavailable or if you want to treat neck pain naturally.

NB! It is important to remember that the final treatment can only be suggested during live appointment with a doctor.

  • Cold therapy – A cold pack can be used during the first 2 days of having neck pain on the right side of the neck. If a cold pack is not available, an alternative is to use ice that’s wrapped in a wet cloth. Apply the pack on the sore area for 20 minutes. It is recommended to do it 4 times a day or as needed. It is also important to be cautious when doing cold therapy. Be wary in order to avoid frostbite especially for children. Applying cold therapy reduces pain and spasm in the neck.
  • Apply dry or moist heat – If there is still pain on the right side of the neck or just pain on the neck for over 48 hours, it is recommended to use heat. Apply a heating pad, warm wet washcloth, or heat pack on the sore muscles for 10 minutes. It can also be done as needed. Doing this can increase blood flow and speeds up healing. Just make sure to be careful as heat can cause burns.
  • Gentle massage – A gentle massage increases blood flow and relieves the pain. Gently rub the area or massage the neck. Take note to avoid any injured area especially if the pain increases when it is massaged. The surrounding area can be massaged instead.
  • Rest for at least a day or two – This should help the sore muscles in that area heal and recover.
  • Maintain proper posture – Proper posture should be observed even when there is no pain in the neck. This ensures that chronic pain or stiffness would be avoided. If there is already neck pain on the right side of the neck, make sure that proper posture is practiced. It is also good to protect the neck during this time and avoid any activity that may increase the pain. In 48 hours after the pain is felt, consider doing a gentle stretching program. Avoid engaging in any sports that may increase stress and pain in the neck area.
  • Proper sleeping position – It is better to sleep on the back or on the side if there is neck pain on the right side of the neck. It is also best to sleep with a neck collar to avoid further stress to the neck. If there is no neck collar available, an alternative is to wrap a small towel around the neck. This ensures that the neck is kept from moving too much during sleep.
  • Proper diet – Eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are found in cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, and salmon. Some flax seeds, walnuts, and leafy green vegetables contain these acids. Omega-3 fatty acids lower inflammatory chemicals. This helps relieve pain on the right side of the neck.

How to avoid neck pain on the right side of the neck?

Knowing basic prevention techniques is always a must. Prevention is always better than cure. It is as simple as avoiding slouching and maintaining proper posture. Walking from time to time can be helpful.

Proper sitting position

If a person is required to sit for a long period of time, sit straight with the lower back supported. Make sure that the feet remain flat on the floor and the shoulders are relaxed too. If there is a chance, stand up and walk every couple of hours.

Headset or speaker phone

If lengthy phone conversations can’t be avoided consider using a headset or a speakerphone. Cradling the phone on the shoulder stresses out the muscles on the neck that causes pain.

Correct lifting techniques

Lift with the knees, not the back. Make sure to practice correct lifting techniques.

Avoid heavy weights

Backpacks and school bags should be used correctly as well.

Proper driving position

Car seats should maintain an upright position. Make sure that it supports the head and the lower back. When driving, the arms should be flexed slightly, but make sure that it is done comfortably.

Office ergonomics

Most people are required to use a computer for work. The monitor should be eye level all the time. Get a document holder so what you’re referencing as you type would be on the same eye level as the screen.

Proper diet

Eat foods with a lot of antioxidants and fiber. Fiber can lower the indicator of inflammation in the blood. Taking calcium and vitamin D also helps as they keep the bones healthy. These vitamins can reduce the degradation of the vertebrae in the neck. Magnesium is highly recognized as a mineral that helps in improving skeletal health. It is essential in contraction and relaxation of the muscles as well.

When is the right time to see a doctor?

It is important to know that these home treatments are only good for common neck pains. If the pain persists, consulting your physician is a must. It is important to identify where the pain is coming from in order to get the proper treatment or medication.

Take note that if neck pain in the right side of the neck is severe, does not improve, or worsens over the following days, consult an expert right away. This is especially recommended if the neck pain is consistent for 3 to 4 weeks. Watch out for unexplainable weight loss, sudden fever and chills, and extreme headache.

Be wary of other symptoms that can also be mistaken for other common illnesses. It includes as vomiting, headache, tingling, numbness, weakness, and bladder or bowel dysfunction. There may be times that there will be a lump in the neck or swollen glands.

What are the exams needed in order to find the cause of neck pain in the right side of the neck?

Physical exams will be performed, and a complete medical history check will be done. The treatment may vary depending on what the diagnosis will be. The tests will depend on the recommendation of the doctor. Blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, electromyography, or spinal tap performed. This is to ensure that the specific cause of the pain in the right side of the neck will be properly identified.

Pain in the right side of the neck may just be one symptom of another disease. That illness may require immediate attention or medication. Do not ignore simple symptoms as it is better to be careful and cautious than to be sorry.

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8 Ways To Relieve Headaches From Working On Computer All Day Tue, 20 Oct 2020 19:03:59 +0000 Learn how to relieve headaches from working on computer all day! The use of computers is now part of man’s

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Learn how to relieve headaches from working on computer all day!

The use of computers is now part of man’s daily routine. But people can actually develop tremendous headaches from working on computer all day.

If you feel you are suffering from computer-induced headache, you can do these 9 things to relieve your headaches.

How to Relieve Headaches from Working on Computer All Day

Drink water

You should drink 2 cups of water if you are feeling a bit unsteady. The first cup should be lukewarm water to activate your body system followed by cold water (without ice) to refresh your mind. There are also instances where headaches from computers are the product of too much work and dehydration.

Take a break

If you are already experiencing headaches from working on the computer, it means you are working too much. Stand up and walk around your workplace. It’s better if you have something to do like playing games or feeding your pet, but remember to avoid mental activities such as playing chess, solving crossword puzzles, and etc.

Find a properly ventilated place

Sit near an air conditioner to facilitate ventilation. Proper ventilation helps in relieving headaches because it increases the level of oxygen, and it prevents the vasodilatation of major arteries. It’s better if you set up your computer near a window or a working electric fan.


You can stand up and do some stretching to let blood flow freely to your upper body. In fact, there are specific stretches that relieve headaches from working on a computer all day.

Cervical Rotation

Turn your head to the right, and glance over your shoulders.

Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then turn your head to the left.

Repeat 10 times.

Circular Rotation

Look down and hold this position for 3 seconds.

Gently rotate your head starting from the left side going to the right side.

Once you made one rotation, look down again and then rotate your head starting from the right going to the left.

Repeat for 15 times.


Eating snacks can relieve headaches from working on a computer all day. You can consume chocolate bars to replenish your energy. You can also eat fruits such as bananas, avocados, and watermelon. However, avoid processed and canned foods because it contains MSGs that dilate the blood vessels in the head.


You may not believe it, but potatoes are known to relieve headaches. Don’t get too excited because you’re not going to turn them into potato fries. You’re going to cut it into slices and stick it in your temples with a cloth. Rest and lie down on a sofa for 30 minutes, and let the potatoes sink in your skin. You can also place potatoes above your eyes while resting.


Take Paracetamol or other over-the-counter headache tablets as soon as the headache starts. With this method, you can relieve and prevent further pain. It is an immediate cure, but you should remember not to overdose yourself.

Consult a doctor

If you are always experiencing headaches from working on a computer all day, and all the methods above didn’t work for you, then it’s time to consult a doctor. You should also have an eye exam to see if you need a pair of glasses.

How to Avoid Headaches from Working on Computer All Day

There are also ways that you can do avoid headaches from working on a computer all day. These things include changing your work environment and eye behavior.

Rearrange your workspace

You’re environment can also trigger computer-induced headaches. There are simple modifications that can prevent headaches.

  • Alter the height of your chair so that your eye level is 4 inches above the center of the computer screen.
  • Sit for at least 65cm away from the desktop.
  • Use an LCD desktop. If your workplace is still using CRT, then attach anti-radiation screens.
  • Place a cactus near your computer screen.
  • Adjust the desktop display setting. It is advisable to use the lowest value for brightness and contrast.
  • Use darker desktop wallpapers.

Develop eye-friendly habits

Staring for too long on the monitors are the main reason for headaches. There are several eye care exercises that can help you get away with headaches.

  • Glare at nearby walls from time to time. It would be better if you’re going to look at dark-colored walls.
  • Blink often. It’s a good exercise for the eyes, and it also keeps the moisture on your eyeballs.

Computers are really useful nowadays, but using them too much can be harmful. Try to practice the different techniques mentioned for avoiding headaches from working on a computer all day. Try to find out the method that works best for you and stick with it whenever another headache comes along. It’s also good to do preventive acts to minimize the possibility of having headaches. Remember that an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.

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7 Causes of Getting Headache Immediately After Eating and Remedies Sun, 18 Oct 2020 20:12:56 +0000 Find out why you are getting headache immediately after eating and how you can ease headache after eating. Getting a

The post 7 Causes of Getting Headache Immediately After Eating and Remedies appeared first on Body Pain Tips.

Find out why you are getting headache immediately after eating and how you can ease headache after eating.

Getting a headache immediately after eating is not uncommon, but it’s not something you can ignore. Its symptoms are unbearable as they can stop you from doing what you love. Experiencing this type of pain creates pressure between your eyes. Also, you may feel a throbbing pain in the left or right part of your head. Or, the pressure may come with a tight sensation on your forehead.

A headache immediately after eating can be a sign of underlying health issues. In most cases, you can get nausea and headache after eating, which requires proper treatment. Also, you must visit your doctor if you get a headache immediately after eating almost every day. It can result in stress, sleeping issues, and depression if left untreated.

At times, you may experience a headache because of sweets or salty foods. But, your problem is not always triggered by the food alone. Sometimes, the pain is caused by the combination of the underlying health issue and food.

Possible Causes of Headaches After Eating

If you get a headache immediately after eating, you must not jump to a conclusion about its cause. The problem is usually associated with what you eat, but the food itself is not always the culprit.

The following are some possible causes of a headache immediately after eating:

  • Hypertension
  • Food Allergy
  • Food Intolerance
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Gastric Reflux
  • Medical Condition


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a typical health issue that you may incur at any age. A high intake of salt can cause a headache, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure. The excess salt will draw the water into your bloodstream, resulting in increased blood volume and hypertension.

Food allergy

At times, your immune system sees the foods you ate as a threat to your body. When it happens, your body will release histamine in your blood. It’s your body’s allergic response that will lead to hives, inflammation, or a headache.

Food intolerance

Food allergies are not the same as food intolerance. Food tolerance is a condition wherein your body can’t tolerate food substances like gluten and lactose. Your body’s sensitivity to these food substances can lead to diarrhea, stomach pain, or a headache.


You may get a headache immediately after eating if you have diabetes and you eat sweets. Foods that are rich in sugar can trigger a sudden increase in your blood glucose that results in insulin production. Insulin is a substance that increases the sugar absorption in your cells, causing hypoglycemia. Sugar crash triggers the blood vessels in your brain to dilate, resulting in a headache.


Foods with tyramine like yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk can also cause a headache immediately after eating. Some foods typically cause migraines, such as cured meats, chocolate, citrus fruits, and soy sauce.

Gastric reflux

Acid reflux is a condition wherein the acid in your gut goes up to your esophagus and reaches your throat. Acid reflux happens when you eat spicy or fried foods. The acid in your stomach will increase if you eat such foods, resulting in reflux. Gastric reflux is often accompanied by a headache.

Medical condition

Usually, you think that food was the cause of your headache. However, your problem can be a result of a more complicated issue. There are some health issues like trigeminal neuralgia that can make you get a headache after eating. Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful headache that you can experience after eating if you have diabetes. Moreover, a brain tumor becomes a cause of a headache after eating in rare cases.

How to Relieve Headache after Eating

The synthetic medicines like anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, and antidepressants are enough to kill the pain. However, there are natural treatments for a headache immediately after eating. If you want a good treatment without side effects, try any of these natural remedies for a headache after eating.

Natural remedies for a headache after eating are:

  • Acupuncture: A therapist inserts the needles underneath the skin to enhance the flow of your energy. Studies reveal that acupuncture is effective in dealing with acute migraines.
  • Neck stretches: Muscle tension makes a headache worse. Stretching the muscles around your neck is helpful if the symptoms begin to appear.
  • Aerobics: Swimming, cycling, and brisk walking are great activities as they lessen the severity and frequency of your headache. If you’re a woman, you’ll become more prone to a headache after eating when you’re pregnant. In this case, aerobics is a good, safe remedy for the pain.
  • Cold compress: Apply a cold compress to the painful part of your head to relieve a throbbing headache.
  • Meditation and yoga: Meditation and yoga level off the blood pressure, so it relieves a terrible headache.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender has a soothing effect and relief for the pain. Mix a few drops of the lavender essential oil with boiling water, and inhale the vapor. Or, you can apply the oil straight to your forehead.

When to Consult Your Doctor?

You should visit your physician when home remedies or painkillers don’t relieve the pain. Seek medical advice right away if the problem persists. Also, you must watch out for other kinds of pain that you experience when you get a headache after eating.

Keep in mind that medical help is necessary if you experience any of the following:

  • Changes in speech and vision
  • Muscle weakness
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Numbness on the left or right side of your body
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Trouble walking
  • High fever

It can be hard to manage your condition if you suffer from a headache immediately after eating almost every day. The pain may not disappear immediately, so you must be patient when dealing with a throbbing headache after eating. There’s no magical pill that you can take to get rid of the pain fast. While there are several treatment choices available, not all of them will work for you. Thus, you’re bound to try all these treatment options first until you find what’s best for you.

The post 7 Causes of Getting Headache Immediately After Eating and Remedies appeared first on Body Pain Tips.

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