Lower Back Pain Could It Be My Kidneys ?!
Is your lower back pain kidney related? There may be many reasons and factors that cause lower back pain, but a more serious case can be due to kidney problems. Most people identify their lower back pain to be related to muscle problems, but sometimes it may be caused by a kidney infection which is a serious problem. Other lower back pain kidney problems may include kidney stones or acute renal failure.
The kidneys are a vital organ required for life. The kidneys are responsible for filtering our blood and producing our urine. Without our kidneys, wastes would just build up and would not get filtered and exposed to, causing toxic effects to our body. Lower back pain kidney problems may be the first sign of life-threatening complications.
Is Lower Back Pain is Kidney Related?
The way to identify if your lower back pain is kidney related or not is to look at your symptoms. Are there any other symptoms that are related to kidney problems? These symptoms may include fevers, high body temperatures, upset stomach, cloudy or bloody urine. If you have any of these symptoms along with the lower back pain, you should see a doctor immediately.
Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor in North America. Most of us will experience lower back pain in our lives; however, it is also very costly to the healthcare system and is a common reason for time off work.
Lower Back Pain Kidney – When Does it Signal Kidney Problem
The kidneys are located to the right and left side of the spine just above the hips. Kidney infection pain usually occurs close to the same area, although the pain is radiated outwards, thereby complicating the diagnosis. This is characterized by lower back pain kidney symptom, which is more of a general ache or tenderness. A stabbing and strong pain is actually more of a back problem and not a kidney problem. Tender ache or pain is often due to kidney infection or some types of kidney injuries. For example, an injury caused by an accident or fall could possibly compress one kidney, thereby impacting it and causing serious damage.
Aside from the lower back pain kidney symptom caused by an injury or accident, other symptoms may also be associated with a kidney problem. Pain in this condition is more common than the pain due to physical trauma. Additionally, lower back pain kidney symptom is accompanied by other symptoms like pain while urinating, fever, and blood in the urine.
Lower Left Back Pain Kidney Related Causes
There can be many reasons why people experience lower left back pain. Some are kidney related, but others are just due to plain muscle aches. However, there is also a rare disease called the nutcracker syndrome. This syndrome may cause you to feel symptoms of lower left back pain that may be kidney related as well.
The nutcracker syndrome is most often caused by the compression of the left renal vein between the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery; however, other variants may cause the syndrome. Since the compression stops blood flow to the kidneys, there is built up the pressure, which causes lower left back pain associated with the kidney. This lower left back pain around the kidney area is most often seen in women. Different symptoms are observed in men. Since the left gonad drains through the left renal vein, males can experience left testicular pain as well. The compression of the splenic veins may cause people to feel nausea and cause vomiting.
This syndrome can be diagnosed after experiencing lower left back pain by performing a left renal venography, which is considered the gold standard test. However, other methods including Computerized Tomography (CT), or abdominal ultrasound can be used as well. It is important to differentiate the nutcracker syndrome apart from other similar symptom diseases like renal (kidney) stones.
When treating the nutcracker syndrome, it is important to consider the severity of the syndrome along with the symptoms the patient is experiencing. Some treatments include endovascular stenting, renal vein re-implantation, and gonadal vein embolization.
This is generally a rare kidney related disease that has similar symptoms to many other kidney diseases. Don’t let your lower left back pain kidney to get too severe; see your doctor as soon as you can.
Lower back pain Due to kidney stones
Lower back pain kidney stones are very dangerous and can cause a lot of pain. The lower back pain caused by kidney stones is one of the common symptoms that can be used to identify possible kidney problems.
Kidney stones are very dense solids that are made out of tiny crystals that collect over time. There can be one or more stones stuck in the kidney or ureter at any time. These lower back pain kidney stones are formed from minerals obtained from your diet that appears in the urine. Kidney stones patients are usually around 80% men and are more common in people aged between 30-40 years. Sometimes there may be no symptoms associated with kidney stones because they are small enough to leave the kidneys in the urine stream without any problems. However, once they grow larger (around 3mm) they start causing problems.
Lower back pain from kidney stones usually can start radiating to the groin or genital regions, which is a big indicator of possible kidney problems. The next step to diagnosing lower back pain kidney stones is to have a physical examination followed by a urinalysis. Other diagnosing methods may include having an ultrasound or blood tests.
For lower back pain by kidney stones, the first step of treatment would also be for the pain. It is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil (Ibuprofen). If these do not work, regular Tylenol (acetaminophen) may work for you. Please see your doctor if the pain persists for over 3 days, or if you find it painful to urinate or notice blood in your urine.
Backache After Kidney Stones
It’s an incredibly debilitating illness and back pain after kidney stones may continue unabated for fairly sometime after an assault.
When the kidney stones develop to a big enough size till they pass out travel down the urethra, through the kidneys, and into the bladder, it’s both challenging and painful to move these rocks. They’re in a position to block the passing of urine, prevent the urethra, and trigger any associated signs.
The pee may be muddy or soft, frequent urination is seasoned and renal colic may trigger sickness or vomiting in addition to harm to the coating of the urinary system.
Studies have proven that kidney stones can be handed at the house with the minimum of distress. Even though physicians may advocate the individual suffering from this illness, tries to move them into the home by growing fluid consumption. This procedure might take from days to months. As back pain is one of the results of moving these rocks, the individual might need to move onto pain-killing drug for the length.
The back pain after rocks, will not simply vanish with the passing of the rock, it may really become fairly persistent. Lurking and creating much distress.
Because the start of culture as we understand it, they’ve been recorded. Hippocrates treated the ailment and cautioned against working to alleviate the discomfort. A medical treatise from early Rome described lithotomy, and processes were depending on this before the eighteenth century.
Some renowned leaders who endured with back pain after kidney stones comprise Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Peter the Excellent, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Bacon.
There are lots of factors that individuals suffer from these, amongst them, metabolic problems and genetic disease. Nonetheless, it has undoubtedly been established that individuals who don’t drink enough fluids, especially water, are likely to have a greater chance of enduring the sickness.
Warm humid environments which cause contamination will have more individuals suffering back pain from them than cooler environments. Water fluoridation was credited to the cause of rocks and sufferers who have Crohn’s disease will be much more prone to this illness. In the conventional medical community, it was a long-standing perception that Supplement C might be the reason for these, but current findings consider there’s a very small connection between the two. No matter the cause, back pain after kidney stones isn’t a nice possibility and must be prevented at any cost.