Are Ice Pick Headaches Something to Worry About

There are many different types of headaches that an individual may experience during their lifetime. Among the most intense of these conditions are the ones known as an ice pick headache. The reason for this name is the fact that patients frequently describe the headache pain as sharp, stabbing sensations.

Some people have even stated that they feel as though someone is repeatedly piercing their skull with an ice pick.

The fact that these headaches occur so suddenly is one of the reasons why the pains can be so terrifying. Many patients report that the sharp, stabbing pains have caused them to fear for their health.

It is much more likely to get ice picking headaches if you are prone to migraines or cluster headaches. But you could get them, even if you normally do not have migraines. People usually first notice them between 45 and 50 years.

In some situations, the individuals believe that they are going to have a stroke or go blind. Then, as if by magic, the pain just totally disappears and everything is back to normal. Sometimes a family member or friend may even doubt that you had actually experienced any head pain because the symptoms are gone in a matter of seconds.

What Is Ice Pick Headache?

An ice pick headache is best described by its name. The amount of pain it causes, where it is localized and the sensation that it causes are the three main factors that played a major role in determining this headaches name. For those that have experienced an ice pick headache, it is commonly agreed upon that it is more of a nuisance than a critical problem. It is one of the greatest stealth agents of pain. Having such a description arrives solely from its ability to attack with no warning.

After becoming a victim, the annoying effects will most certainly vary. The fact that some effects may only exist in some people, determining that an ice pick headache is the cause will be nearly impossible. Statistically speaking, approximately 25% of people that experience ice-pick pains have an elongated history of migraines.

Are migraines the cause of these sharp, stabbing pains associated with ice pick headaches? No one knows, but migraines are highly considered to be a contributing factor. Two of the most prominent reactions that commonly occur in most patients are numbness and altered sensations above the eye.

These intense headaches are also known as, ophthalmodynia periodic. When ice pick headaches first came onto the scene, back in the 1960s, this term was used. Nevertheless, when it comes to experiencing stabbing pains that transcend the sensation that is felt with ordinary headaches, the name, ice pick headaches, is far more descriptive.

As of late, there are only a few known cases of serious diseases being associated with the initial cause of ice-pick pains. For a lot of people, determining the cause is not as important as knowing how to cease the intermittent pains. With that said, the one problem that comes with the topic of ice pick headaches treatments is that there are not any. Due to these headaches not having a solid case, and only lasting for a short duration, a treatment cannot be established. Although there is not a treatment available, there are two solutions that will help to prevent ice pick headaches from ever occurring.

One solution involves taking several drugs and medicationsIndomethacin, NSAIDS, antiepileptic drugs, and antidepressants. The other solution involves practicing relaxation exercises and breathing techniques. If the drugs and medications fail to prevent the headaches from occurring, when experiencing the side effects of ice-pick pains, the relaxing and breathing exercises will help with dissipating the stabbing pains.

 Ice Pick Headaches symptoms

  • Sudden sharp pains (usually limited to just one portion of the head)
  • The pains can develop in different areas of the head with each new episode
  • Pain may branch out to include a wider area than where it first originated
  • Duration is fairly brief (5-30 seconds)
  • Pain has no known trigger and appears without warning
  • Once the episode is over the pain vanishes immediately
  • Headache episodes can be infrequent or extremely frequent

When Ice Pick Headache Has to Worry us?

  • if a headache is associated with other disorders, such as confusional state, lack of strength in one arm or leg.
  • Also, if a headache is of high intensity and is associated with a very high fever and confusional state with nuchal rigidity, which does not respond to normal analgesics since it could be the indicator of an inflammation of the meninges.
  • if it is associated with an episode of loss of consciousness or occurs as a result of a head injury.
  • Another headache that can worry is that which arises in a patient, without a history of a headache, which becomes slowly more and more invasive and occurs more and more often, especially if triggered by coughing or after physical exertion, perhaps associated with jet vomit.
  • If the pain becomes unbearable, so as to hinder your daily activities.
  • When a headache is accompanied by aggression.
  • If, in addition to a headache, you have visual disturbances, difficulty speaking, dizziness or very red eyes, go to the emergency room.
  • Doctors also warn that it is not normal when the pain suddenly appears during sleep.

In other words, pains occurring as a single stab or series of stabs confined to the head, predominantly in the orbit, temple or parietal area. Each stab lasts from a fraction of a second to 3 seconds and pains recur irregularly, from a single stab occasionally to many each day.

Please remember that only a health care professional is able to correctly determine if your pains are the result of ice pick headaches.

If you are experiencing any unusual pain in your head you should go to your doctor, the nearest health clinic or the hospital to be fully evaluated. While headaches are relatively benign you should never take any unnecessary chances with your health.

Are Ice Pick Headaches Something To Worry About, Last Update: 15/5/2017

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