Subluxation of The Spine – HOW Serious is A Spinal Subluxation?

Subluxation of the spine or spinal Subluxation is one of the most common causes of back pain.


Subluxation Definition

A Subluxation is a misalignment or loss of normal movement of one of the bones in your back. Backbones that have lost their normal position or movement, cause faster than normal wear and tear in the surrounding muscles and discs, resulting in pain, inflammation, and degeneration.

Your spine has to be properly aligned for you to be healthy and pain-free.

Whether a subluxation has caused one of your back bones to move out of place or disturbed the normal movement of one or more of the bones in your back, you will eventually suffer from nerve irritation if the subluxation is not corrected.

How much trouble a Subluxation will cause you depends on how long you’ve had the misalignment in your back, and how much it is irritating your muscles, joints, and nerves.

You will most likely develop more than one Spinal Subluxation over your lifespan. The reason for this is that the causes of Subluxations are things that you can’t escape from.

Causes of Spinal Subluxations

The causes of subluxations include:

  • Stress
  • Slips and fall
  • Auto Accidents
  • Work Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Poor Posture
  • Improper Sleeping Posture
  • Too much Sitting
  • Improper Lifting
  • Stress to the Neck during the Birth Process

Yes, you read that right! Doctor Abraham Towbin of Harvard Medical School found that many children were injured during the birth process by a too much pulling force on the undeveloped neck of a newborn.

What this means, is that not only should you not wait until you have back pain or headaches to get checked by a chiropractor for Spinal Subluxation, but you should have your children checked occasionally also.

Even if they aren’t complaining of any pain, they could have been subluxated during the birth process, or from all the falls they took learning to walk.

Of course, major traumas like the ones listed above could cause you to develop a Spinal Subluxation, but you may not be aware that you could have a subluxation that was caused by stress on your spine that happened a long time ago, maybe even while you were being born.

One of the major problems with Subluxations is that they may not cause you pain until you’ve had them for a long time.

During this time your spine could be degenerating without you being aware of it. What’s worse, the nerves coming out of your spine may not be causing you pain yet, but they may be causing disturbances in organs and tissues far from your spine.

How Can You Tell if You Have a Subluxation in Your Spine?

The only way to tell if you have a Subluxation is to be evaluated by a good chiropractor. A real problem in our country today is the belief that if you don’t have pain, you must be healthy.

You probably know of someone who found out they had cancer and in just a short time they were dead.

In 100% of these cases, the patient had cancer before they had symptoms. So even though they may have felt ok, the cancer was slowly getting worse until at some point it began to cause serious problems.

If you have back, neck, or leg pain, of course, you should consult a good chiropractor. Chiropractic for back pain has been shown to be more effective by far than any other treatment.

My advice to you is don’t wait until you have terrible back pain to go to a good chiropractor for a spinal checkup.

You probably go to the dentist to get your teeth checked even if you don’t have mouth pain. You go because you want to prevent problems with your teeth.

Where can you get a Spinal Checkup?

The only health care professionals trained to locate and remove a Spinal Subluxation from your spine are chiropractors. No other health care profession looks for Spinal Subluxation in an examination.

You may have a family medical doctor and a dentist, but you also need a Chiropractor if you want not only to be back pain-free but also as healthy as you can be.

Chiropractors use a gentle procedure known as a chiropractic adjustment to correct Subluxations.

One thought on “Subluxation of The Spine – HOW Serious is A Spinal Subluxation?

  • October 17, 2020 at 4:21 pm

    It’s rare to read a post like this, that shows the author thinks outside the box! You certainly made me think! Thanks-I wouldn’t have seen things this way otherwise. Will share this…


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