7 Common Causes of Pain in Hand When Gripping

Pain in Hand When Gripping can be caused by many different causes, ranging from nerve compression to an underlying or latent condition, such as arthritis.

You should visit the doctor immediately If the pain persists after you resting your hands and taking some analgesics, Or if the patient complains of other symptoms associated with hand pain, or if he is unsure of the cause of the pain in his hand.

In this article, I am going to write about the most common causes of hand pain when gripping. So, you can have a good idea of the problem and its causes, but don’t forget to visit and consulting a doctor for diagnosing the condition.


Common causes of hand pain when gripping

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Ganglion
  • de Quervain’s disease
  • tenosynovitis
  • Fracture

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is a relatively common condition that causes pain, numbness and a sense of tingling in the hands and fingers.

These symptoms occur gradually and get worse at night. The thumb, forefinger, middle finger and half the length of the ring finger often occur. it results from compression of the nerve responsible for sensation and movement in the hands.

Some cases can improve on their own. Otherwise, it is best to fix the wrist by a splint and use corticosteroid injections. There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen.

Carpal tunnel release surgery is only recommended in severe cases of illness, which lasts for more than 6 weeks or in cases where treatment has not been effective.


Osteoarthritis is a common condition of arthritis, often affecting three major areas of the hand:

  • Thumb base.
  • The joints closest to the fingertips.
  • The central joints of the fingers.

As a result of this injury, the fingers can become stiff, painful and swollen, and bumps can appear on the joints of the fingers. Over time, the severity of the pain can be reduced and disappear completely, but the swelling and nodules remain.

The fingers can bend aside at the level of the affected joints. Cysts may appear painful cysts on the appearance of the fingers.

Nodes may sometimes appear on the base of the thumb, where they are attached to the wrist, which can be painful, making manual work such as typing, using keys and opening round-covered containers difficult.

It is also common for osteoarthritis to strike both knees and hips, so it is likely to be the cause of hand pain if it coincides with the patient’s pain in other joints.


It is a bulge or swelling that is filled with liquid, usually near the joint or tendon, and varies in size from being as small as a pea bean, or as large as a tennis racket.

The ganglion appears in terms of shape and texture as a smooth, soft mass under the skin and consists of a gelatinous fluid called synovial fluid, a liquid that surrounds the joints and tendons to lubricate and protect them during movement.

Most nodules appear in the wrist (especially in the dorsal surface), and in the hands and fingers. Although they are generally benign, they can be painful at times because they are nervous.

dE Quervain’s Disease

It is a painful condition that affects the tendons that pass along the wrist from the side of the thumb, where the sheath surrounding the tendon becomes swollen and thick, and then moving the thumb is very painful.

The cause of this condition is still not understood, and some claim it is a type of tenosynovitis, but this is not true because de Quervain’s disease is not associated with an inflammatory state.

Some minor cases automatically improve after several weeks of rest and avoid activities that cause pain. It may be useful to use a splint on the wrist and inject corticosteroids.

Severe cases require surgical treatment, including expansion of the carpal tunnel.


The inflammation of the tendon (or tendon sheath) is known as pain and inflammation of the sheath surrounding the tendon and is rarely responsible for the hand pain that affects the wrist or fingers.

The cause of this condition is still unknown, possibly due to a series of minor injuries to the tendon, previous injury or strain, infection, or rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to rest the hand or keep the tendon without movement to allow healing. It may be possible to relieve pain and inflammation by applying heat or cold to the area and by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Corticosteroid injections can also help in some cases. Inflammation of the tendinitis caused by an infection should be treated with antibiotics.

Once the hand is healed, exercises that strengthen the muscles around the injured tendon prevent the recurrence or recurrence of the injury. You can consult your doctor or physiotherapist about this treatment.

Repetitive Motion Syndrome

Repetitive motion syndrome, which is also known as a repetitive strain injury, of the hand, is a condition that applies to an injury that resulted from using the hand in a particular manner for an extended period of time. As with arthritis, people who have jobs or hobbies that require a lot of repetitive movements, such as hammering or typing, are much more likely to develop this condition. Some specific repetitive motion disorders that you might recognize are carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the wrist is subjected to awkward positions for long periods of time or when the wrist is exposed to chronic pressure. The result is a pinched nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel of the wrist, which can result in numbness, pain, and a tingling sensation through the wrist and hand. It may become difficult to grip items and the fingers of the affected hand may become swollen.

In some cases, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can be improved by using a wrist brace to add a bit of extra support to the area. Anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce swelling and pain but the best results will be had when extra care is taken to prevent strain or awkward positioning of the wrist. For severe cases, it may be necessary to undergo surgery in order to restore functionality of the affected hand.


A fracture in one of the fingers or wrist causes severe hand pain, accompanied by swollen or painful swelling in and around the affected area.

If the patient suspects that he has broken bones, he should check the nearest accident and emergency center.

See: Understanding The Pain at Base of Thumb Palm Side

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