Legs and Feet

Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery: How Long Does It Take to Recover?

This short article will discuss hip replacement surgery recovery. It will provide you an idea of how long recovery will last after hip surgeries. This article will also include information regarding the most common after surgery issues that patients may experience. To be precise, the after surgery complications that a patient might experience are wound infection and blood clotting.

After having a hip surgery, the next step that you will need to go through is hip surgery recovery. Just after having the surgery, you will be immediately transferred to the hospital’s recovery room. In there, you will need to stay and rest for a few hours.

Technically, you will be asleep due to the anesthetic that might have been given to you before the surgery. Because of that, nurses and even doctors will closely monitor you until you wake up. If you wake up and feel a bit better, you will be transferred back to your original hospital room.

Depending on your body’s constitution and overall treatment you got from the hospital, you will need to stay there for three to four days to complete the hip replacement surgery recovery process. On the other hand, if you opted for a revision surgery, you might need to stay in the hospital for four to five days.

Take note that you might frequently experience sharp hip pain and swollen after surgery in the hip area, but these may last 3-4 weeks. And to prevent yourself from suffering too much from them, you will need to make sure that you never skip the pain killing medication the hospital will provide to you. Also, it is common for some patients that they might experience lung congestion while they are recovering. To avoid that, you must always clear your lungs by coughing and breathing deeply.

The good thing about hip surgery is that it only entails low chances of you experiencing any medical complications. For your information, the chance of your hip surgery wound getting infected is as low as 2%. And the most common triggers of after hip surgery infections are skin infections, urinary tract infections, and dental procedures. In case you really need to get a dental operation and prevent getting your wound infected, it is advisable that you take some antibiotics first.

However, you should not be complacent. Another risk that you will face after a hip replacement surgery is a blood clot. Do not forget that blood clots can threaten your life in case they reach your lungs, heart, or brain. To make sure that does not happen, talk with your orthopedic. He will provide you with an anti-blood-clot plan. The plan will include medications and some support stockings. Also, make sure that you take note of all the symptoms of blood clotting, which is essential for your hip surgery recovery, that your surgeon or orthopedic will mention to you.

Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery: How Long Does It Take to Recover? Last Update: 26/4/2017

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