The Most Common Upper Back Pain Causes and Symptoms

Upper back pain has been an increasing health complaint over the past few years, especially with the advent of computers. With many companies requiring workers to put in hours working in front of the computer, many of these workers develop this problem. This complaint is commonly coupled with neck and shoulder soreness. There are many known upper back pain causes, more commonly associated with muscular irritation and joint dysfunction, though there are still other uncommon reasons related to this.


Upper Back Pain Causes

Upper back pain is when the sensation occurs from the base of the neck to the top of the lumbar spine. This could result suddenly from trauma or injuries to the spine. However, constant poor posture and strain could also end with this problem. These are part of muscular irritation. Muscular irritation is one of the most common upper back pain causes. This happens when there is a lack of strength or overuse injuries. Poor posture could result in the deconditioning of the muscles supporting the spine, thus resulting in a lack of strength. An overuse injury, on the other hand, is caused by prolonged, repetitive movements. Muscular irritations may also include muscle strains, sports injuries, and automobile accidents. This type is easily intervened by manual treatments, namely: exercise; passive or active physical therapy; manipulation by a chiropractor or osteopathic physician; massage; and acupuncture.

Upper Back Pain Symptoms

Some of the common upper back pains you may inflict are:

  1. Incorrect sitting and standing position
  2. Bending suddenly, or standing for longer hours
  3. Use of a chair with no backrest
  4. Lifting or pulling weights out of our capacity
  5. Falling on the back and injuring the muscles
  6. Physical effort of pressure put on joints
  7. Contraction of muscles
  8. Lack of calcium and enzymes in the body
  9. Unhealthy lifestyle and absence of exercise
  10. Failure or improper functioning of kidneys
  11. Age-related problems such as arthritis
  12. Sitting in one place for longer period
  13. Overweight or obesity
  14. Degeneration of bones

In short, pressure on joints or injury, misalignment of the spinal structure, muscle tightening, ligament fracture, body weight, insomnia, and overexertion are factors are responsible for upper back pain.

Upper Back Pain Symptoms From Injury to Joints

When there is an injury to joints due to extra physical efforts in finishing a task, you will feel the pain in your back area (mostly on the lower back). In this condition, the pain will reside in the lumbar back, and will not extend towards the leg.

When you feel an ache in the back when carrying a heavy parcel, most likely your back muscles may have developed a minor crack.

You will feel the pain as your muscles stiffen restricting easy movements. You will experience the pain even when the affected area is gently touched.

The patient may usually feel pain when the patient tries to complete any task. However, the patient may find some relief when she/he takes adequate rest.

Chronic Upper Back Pain Symptoms

The chronic back pain usually affects the lower part of the body such as hips, thighs and knee joints.

Severe pain and numbness in your upper and lower back extending to the back of your top legs. This pain is caused because of pressure on the nerves. You will find it impossible to sit and stand without any support. Pain will also occur in the buttock.

You will feel the pain when performing certain movements such as bending, running and moving around. The intensity of the pain will not be the same. The pain would diminish at one point, and soon it would aggravate at the other moment.

Pain will occur in the lower back region when you are standing for a long time or walking few distances. This may be the result of the minor fracture in the spine. Don’t Forget to share this article

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